Response to Intervention
"Educating today for tomorrow's success."
What is RTI?
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. These services may be provided by a variety of personnel, including general education teachers, special educators, trained instructional assistants, and specialists. Progress is closely monitored to assess both the learning rate and level of performance of individual students. Educational decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions are based on individual student response to instruction.
Why RTI?
At DDE, our goal is to “educate today for tomorrow’s success”. We strive for high levels of student achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics so that students are college and career ready. It is critical that students take ownership in their own learning and become active participants in their own education. We recognize that each student is a unique learner with his or her own learning style, background experiences, talents, and goals. Through communication and teamwork with the professional staff, we seek to provide each student with the resources and instruction needed to be successful in school and in their pursuit of becoming lifelong learners.
The RTI model establishes a system of instruction and intervention guided by child outcome data. RTI is designed to be a comprehensive, research-based framework that allows schools and teachers to identify where student support is needed. As our school works to implement the Common Core State Standards, RTI functions as the support system that helps students access grade-level standards to attain college and career readiness. RTI at DDE is standards-based, data-driven, and responsive to student needs.
Who provides RTI services?
The RTI team is a function of the regular education program at DDE. The primary purpose of the team is to ensure all students are given the opportunity to be successful in the general education classroom by providing a structured support system for students and teachers.
The RTI team consists of the Principal, General Education teachers (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies), Special Education teachers, RTI teachers or specialists, Child Study Team members (School Psychologist, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant, and School Social Worker), and other specialists as needed (speech teacher, occupational therapist, counselor, etc).
The primary RTI teacher for Math is Ms. Joshi (, who provides intervention to students at both JFK & DDE. The primary RTI teacher for reading at DDE is Ms. Leonard (
How does the RTI process work?
All students are administered a universal benchmark assessment at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year.
Students who score above the 40th percentile on this benchmark assessment are considered Tier 1. Tier 1 supports are universal and provided as needed by the classroom teacher within the typical classroom setting. Tier 1 students are monitored by teachers based on their in-class performance and assessments and are screened by the universal benchmark. If a classroom teacher has concerns about a Tier 1 student, they may bring the student up for discussion at an RTI meeting or complete an RTI referral form to request additional support.
Students who score between the 25th and 40th percentile on the universal benchmark assessments are considered “on watch” Tier 1. In addition to the universal screenings, they are progress monitored. If an “on-watch” Tier 1 student shows progress over the course of the year, the student will be moved to full Tier 1 status. If an “on-watch” Tier 1 student demonstrates that they are continuously encountering academic difficulties, they can be moved to Tier 2 level supports.
Students who score between the 10th and 25th percentile enter RTI at the Tier 2 level. Tier 2 students receive intervention services at least 2 to 3 days per week. They are progress monitored often. The outcome data that result from progress monitoring assessments or from screenings determines whether the student continues to receive Tier 2 level services or if additional or fewer interventions are needed. If the teachers find that after several interventions and action plans the student is still not succeeding, the student can be moved to Tier 3.
Students who score below the 10th percentile rank enter RTI at the Tier 3 level. Tier 3 students receive intervention services daily. They are progress monitored frequently, so additional data may be collected to show incremental gains. The outcome data that result from progress monitoring assessments or from screenings determines whether the student continues to receive Tier 3 level services or if additional or fewer interventions are needed. If students do not respond to Tier 3 level interventions that have been provided with fidelity, they are referred to the Child Study Team for special education evaluation.