Executive Assistant

Mark Twain once wrote: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness…” 

James is a historian, philosopher, and educator, having earned a dual Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Psychology from the Metropolitan State University of Denver, and a Master of Arts in Military History from Norwich University, focusing his research on Early American Policies and Legislation. His current focus is on Finding History in Unrecognized Sources and U.S. Military Doctrine in the American West 1830-1900. 

James is an Air Force veteran of Operation Desert Storm, and of U.N. / N.A.T.O. operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. He has extensively traveled the world, spending time on all seven continents and visiting 121 different countries. 

James used his time traveling to learn everything he could about people and their cultures. He now uses this knowledge to advocate for an anti-oppressive future by prescribing law changes to better provide for marginalized communities, ranging from support for women, people of a lower socio-economic status, people with disabilities, and people of color (“people of the global majority”), to indigenous peoples, and the LGBTQ+ community. As a person with chronic illness, James is acutely aware of the difficulties faced by people with disabilities in our country through lack of accessibility and poor insurance regulation. 

James writes historical fiction and designs table-top games in his spare time. When James isn’t working he can be found at local philosophy meetings and theory discussions or at writing workshops discussing ideas about world-building and character development - or he cannot be found because he has gotten on his motorcycle and ridden away.