middle school art classes

Fifteen middle school students have had their artwork selected to represent Blair - Taylor School District in the MVGTN Middle School Art Festival. Art teachers in area schools were asked to select the artwork of students to represent their middle school art program and celebrate the work students have done this year. 

6th grade art

Sixth grade art is a hands-on, multimedia course that reviews the elements and principles of design and incorporates them with problem-solving and art history. Students will develop observation and technical skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and various other art mediums.

2D Design exploratory

Do you want to build your two-dimensional art skills? In this class we will explore drawing techniques, collaborative art, printmaking, graphic design, art history, and painting while growing our drawing skills through the use of a sketchbook all in one trimester! 

3D Design exploratory

Do you like creating art with your hands? In this class, we will explore creating with wire, weaving with yarn, and trying our hand at various forms of sculpting while growing our drawing skills through the use of a sketchbook all in one trimester!

Behavior Expectations

At the beginning of each trimester, all students are reminded of the expectations in the school. If you are curious as to what those expectations may be, this link will show the rubric that was reviewed in each class their first day of art in middle school.  

Running out of ideas?

Are you at a loss for what to work on or don't know where to start? It can be hard to come up with ideas on your own sometimes. 

Try using one of these resources below: 

Online resources: