Chromebook Care & Policies



ABOVE: Make sure you see the lightning bolt icon in the battery whenever you have the charger plugged in.

RIGHT: Perform a proper shutdown of your Chromebook by clicking on the clock in the lower right and then clicking on the shut down icon.

What do I do if my Chromebook is broken?

First, try to correct the problem by properly shutting down your Chromebook.  If that does not fix the issue then bring the device to Mr. Hoffmann in the Library .

Almost all classrooms have TWO extra Chromebooks in them.  You will need to use those until you can bring your Chromebook to Mr. Hoffmann.  

Will I have to pay for my Chromebook repairs?

We will do everything we can to not charge you for repairs.  We have warranties on the devices and Mr. Hoffmann can use spare parts to fix some of them.  However, there are exceptions.  

From the BTHS Chromebook Agreement:

In the event the device breaks or is not functioning correctly it is the students responsibility to bring the device to the technology department for repair. Repairs that are considered normal wear and tear or accidental damage beyond the students control will be covered by the school with the following exceptions: 

1. One screen replacement due to breakage will be covered per year per student. 

2. One power adapter replacement will be covered per year per student. 

3. One case replacement per 4 year term per student will be covered due to normal 


In the event a student's device needs repair due to one of the above conditions or due to student negligence, a fee, as listed below, will be charged to repair the device. Student negligence includes but is not limited to: device out of case, throwing device, closing headphones and usb/charge cables between the screen and body, etc. If the device cannot be repaired, a replacement fee will be assessed. 

1. Screen replacement - $40 

2. Lost/damaged charger - $30 

3. Lost/damaged spine - $10 

4. Damaged keyboard - $40 

5. Replace entire Chromebook (damaged or lost) - $220

What do I do if I lose my charger?

You can get a new charger in the bookstore.  If your charger isn't working, please make sure to bring the bad charger and the Chromebook to the bookstore.  We will replace one broken or damaged charger at no cost.  You will be charged $30 for each additional charger. 

What do I do with the Chromebook at the end of the year?

Students keep the Chromebooks over the summer.  Graduates have the option to purchase their Chromebook for $25.