Remote Learning Help

Need help? Email for any questions you have about remote learning.

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E-mail Tips

As you have to rely on technology to communicate with teachers, remember to do the following

  • Use your school email address. If you use a personal email, it may go into a teacher's spam account.

  • Be as specific as possible. Instead of typing "I need help" explain exactly what you need help with.

  • Use a brief, specific subject line. Avoid putting your entire message in the subject line. Do not leave the subject line blank either.

  • Keep the tone formal. Address your teacher as Miss, Mrs., or Mr. So-and-so, just like you would in class. Write in complete sentences.

  • Proofread! Before you hit send, proofread your message for errors.

  • Be patient. Your teachers are receiving a multitude of emails as they work each day. If you send an email after 1:30, you may not get a reply until the next morning.