How do I download an ebook or audiobook?

You may download an ebook or audiobook on a smart phone, tablet, or iPad. Go to the App Store and download Destiny Discover.

After Destiny Discover is downloaded, you will be asked to put in your state and school. To download the ebook or audiobook, you need to log in with your Google account. Then you will be allowed to search for your selection.

When am I able to go to the library?

The library opens at 7:15 and closes at 3:40. You are welcome to come before school, during lunch, and after school. If a teacher allows you to come to the library during class time, you must have a pass.

How many books may I check out?

You may check out four books at a time as long as you have no overdue books. Only one Playaway can be checked out at a time.

Is there a time frame on the books I check out?

Yes. Books and Playaways are due back to the library 3 weeks from the checkout date. You may renew an item one time. Classroom sets are checked out for the length of time set by the teachers.

What happens if I lose my book?

Simple and easy. If you lose a book, come and talk to one of the librarians. We will tell you the price of the book. If necessary, you may pay in installments. If you should find a book that you have paid for, your money will be refunded by the Administration Business office if it is This must be in the same school year.

What happens if my book is overdue?

If your book is overdue, simply return it. We do not charge late fees. The monetary amount on your overdue slip is the price of the book itself. Until you return your overdue materials, you are not allowed to check out any more books or a laptop.