
Please note that the following photos are not as sharp as the actual prints, as I have reduced their resolution to allow for their quick uploading with a standard web browser. I occasionally exhibit my underwater photos and have had them displayed at a number of art shows over the years.

For my scuba bio and a discussion of the challenges confronting the underwater photographer, click the button below:

Silver Porgy

(August 14, 2007, N. Myrtle Beach, SC; artificial wreck reef "Pinnacle Reef")


(August 13, 2007, N. Myrtle Beach, SC; artificial wreck reef "Barracuda Alley")

Pygmy Filefish

(August 12, 2007, N. Myrtle Beach, SC; wreck of the "General Sherman")


**Look close! ... eyes are slightly above and to the right of center**

(August 12, 2007, N. Myrtle Beach, SC; wreck of the "General Sherman")

7-Foot Sand Tiger Shark (scattering the bait fish in its path)

(May 26, 2007, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Papoose")

Greater Amberjack

(May 26, 2007, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Schurz")


(May 25, 2007, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Papoose")

Greater Amberjacks in Blue Water at 100 Feet

(May 25, 2007, Beaufort, NC; above the wreck of the "Aeolus")

Sea Cucumber, resting on the bow

(May 24, 2006, Morehead City, NC; wreck of the WWII German sub "U352")

8-foot Sand Tiger Shark, surrounded by Grunts

(May 23, 2006, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Papoose")

Lionfish, surrounded by Grunts

(May 23, 2006, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Naeco")

6-foot Sand Tiger Shark

(June 8, 2005, Morehead City, NC; wreck of the "Papoose")

Porgy, surrounded by Tomato and related Grunts

(June 7, 2005, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Schurz")

Blue Angelfish, surrounded by Tomato Grunts and Vermillion Snappers

(June 7, 2005, Beaufort, NC; wreck of the "Naeco")