
Concepts & Connections 

(with support)


Class Overview
In this course, students will discover algebraic concepts built off number sense activities that combine pattern recognition with inquiry based "productive struggle". Our NUMBER ONE goal this year is to allow students the opportunity to get their hands dirty and wrestle with math concepts while providing them structured leading questions and purposeful practice.



About Me - Mrs. Gray

I have been teaching high school math for 10 years, this is my 5th year at RHHS. My husband also teaches math at RHHS and we have a son, named Colt. I love going to RHHS sporting events and I coach girls flag football at the high school. 

I decided to be a math teacher because I wanted to share my love of math with others; it really is the universal language. Math is a huge part of our lives even if you always think "when am I ever going to use this in real life?". 


Google Classroom Codes

Parent sites

Most communication will take place through emails