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The STEM Program is changing its application process to continue to meet the community's demand. For the 2024-2025 school year, to express that a student would like to be in the STEM program next year, they must indicate they'd like to do so on their middle school registration form. Any student interested in joining can also indicate on their registration form if they want to participate in a STEM competition. Competing in a STEM Competition is NOT required for a student to be in the STEM program. In addition, any student who is in the STEM program will continue to be in the program throughout their time at RHMS.

RHMS's school administration and STEM program leadership will use the information gathered from the registration forms to include as many students as possible next school year based on application numbers and class registrations. While we cannot guarantee everyone a spot in the program, we will do our best to include as many students as possible. If we do have any that we don't have the space to include yet, we will inform you and make spaces available in late July, as we will receive information about students who have withdrawn over the summer. 

Thank you for being so interested in the RHMS STEM program; if you have any questions, please reach out to the STEM Program Director, Mr. Soash, at BSoash@bryan.k12.ga.us