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Beginning in the fall semester of 2020, Richmond Hill Middle School launched a comprehensive STEM program. The STEM program exposes our students to project-based learning, affording them an alternative path to high school level Math and Physical Science in eighth grade. Students of the STEM program will attend Connections courses targeting the application of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEM) by solving real-world problems. The application of these skills will also serve as a valuable component of our core academic classes. In addition, the extended learning time component of each day will serve as a time for the STEM students to prepare for national STEM competitions, operate an aquaponics system, and complete a project-based learning curriculum.

         The STEM program of Richmond Hill Middle School promotes a cooperative learning environment through project-based learning experiences. Through these experiences, students are expected to conduct research, develop solutions, collect data, evaluate, and present outcomes to teachers and community experts. Students are also required to maintain relationships with our community partners in order to brainstorm innovative solutions. 

Check out these great examples of STEM in action this year!

Our Mission Statement

The RHMS STEM Program provides a challenging learning environment where students can grow through their successes and failures as they solve real-world problems. 

Our Vision Statement

To provide learning experiences that reflect the changing fields, expectations, and applications that will prepare our students for the challenges of tomorrow.