How does club work? 

Use the link PDGA Membership sign up to sign up for team days. If you are still checking out disc golf, then Mr. Scheyder would recommend not signing up for team days right away. There is a commitment level that will be expected on these days. Athletes who are not engaging in practice on Thursdays will be asked to only come on Tuesdays. Student Athletes have asked for dedicated practice time to better prepare for tournaments. This is our way of accommodating students desire to get better, but wanting to keep disc golf open for all!

We do not travel for tournaments as a team, we create the space for students to practice and enter tournaments on their own. We host a tournament every year, but students need to seek competition outside that to truly get better. 

Club meetings are Tuesday after school from 3:30-5:00.  We meet in Mr. Scheyder's room 324 in the Connections Hallway

Students meet up and watch a video/learn a particular skill.

Students go out to the course and practice that skill.

Students then play a mini tournament every week. 

Club on Two Levels: