
  • The school media center is a place for you and others to learn.
  • Be respectful…of other students, teachers, books, computers and the library media center.
  • The school media is a place to do constructive work like class assignments, research or reading for pleasure.
  • Ask for help. We are here to help you find the information you need. Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Even if we look busy with other work, our most important job is to help you.
  • Food should be left outside.
  • The computers are for educational purposes only. Games may not be played on the computers.
  • Books may be checked out for 2 weeks. They may be renewed if they are not needed by another student.

Library Pass System:

High School students can sign up for a pass in the library. Print your full name on the sign in sheet and get a stamped pass from Mrs. Furlong. Please make sure to check off your name on the sign in sheet when you come in the library.

Middle School students can get a pass from their teacher to come to the library to use the computers or check out a book.