Emergency Preparedness

School Safety Plan

The safety of students is our primary objective; our School Safety Plan defines our site-specific responses to emergencies using the Big Five Safety Protocol. This plan was developed with input from School Site Council, staff, the San Mateo County Office of Education, and Redwood City Police and Fire Departments. It is updated annually to reflect changes in policy, student needs, etc. Sandpiper School has plans for responding to emergency situations such as earthquakes, chemical spills, power failures, fires, civil disturbances, and any other event that interrupts regular school activity. Every month children participate in Safety Drills. These are designed to help assure that students will follow school emergency protocols in the event of an emergency. 

Parent / Child Reunification Plan

Keep emergency contact information current.

It is essential that parents and guardians regularly check and update their contact information on your child’s emergency card, in our student information system (AERIES), and in the PTA school directory. This includes your home and cell numbers, as well as adults whom you have designated to be your child's guardian in case of emergency . Your child will NOT be released to anyone who is not listed as an emergency contact. It is imperative that your child's Emergency Information be kept current and accurate. Please contact the school if there are any changes. You may update your information at any time by emailing Carmen Rogers at crogers@brssd.org or by calling 650.631.5510. 

In the event of an emergency where your child would need to be released from school to an adult, we have developed protocols to ensure safe reunification.

Communication will come from the District Office by phone and email. Please follow these steps:

Safety at Home

No one can ever be totally prepared for a natural disaster, but knowing what to do before, during and after can make a crucial difference. Critical steps to take include creating an emergency plan for your family, conducting emergency drills, being aware of the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers in your home, and maintaining an emergency preparedness kit to sustain your family for up to a week.

Two of the most common natural disasters in California are earthquakes and fires. Below are some tips to help your family prepare a disaster plan, so that you can prepare for these events as much as possible.

Create a disaster plan

Here are some steps you should take when creating your family’s disaster plan.