Scientific Computing Seminar
Division of Applied Mathematics

Brown University

Location:  170 Hope Street, Room 108, Brown University

Time: 11:00am-12pm 

Organizer: Jerome Darbon 

  Fall 2025

Date: Friday, September 26

Speaker: Beatrice Riviere (Rice)



  Spring 2025

Date: Friday, March 28

Speaker: Mohsen Zayernouri, Michigan State University

Title:Probabilistic Consequences of Heavy Tails onNumerical Analysis and Scientific Computing/Learning 


Nature remembers and is abundant with processes that exhibit heavy-tail distributions. The probabilistic

consequences of such tails entail informative details, whose proper incorporations can directly contribute

to new phenomena discoveries. This can happen via extracting and exploiting intrinsic features from

(Lagrangian/Eulerian) data and by means of two-way linkage between the microscopic motions and their

collective/continuum dynamics. To this end, we first tackle the only major unsolved problem in classical

physics, i.e., Flow/Scalar Turbulence. By performing a novel statistical analysis and introducing a new

nonlocal length scale in the inertial-convective subrange which codes intermittency in the jump processes,

we derive a new spectral scaling law for the cascade of scalar variance that remarkably aligns with data.

Next, we mathematically show that this spectral law in turn leads to a new nonlocal dynamic subgrid-scale

(SGS) model for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of scalar turbulence, surpassing the current state-of-the-

art and dynamic LES approaches in an unprecedented way. Moreover, by framing the flow turbulence

‘Closure Problem’ at the Boltzmann’s kinetic theory of interacting particles, we derive a new class of

turbulence closure models at the continuum flow level, called “Dynamic Tempered Fractional SGS Model”,

rigorously emerging as a tempered fractional Laplacian operator in the filtered Navier-Stokes’ equations.

This expressive and data-friendly tempered LES model adeptly captures several anomalous statistical

features such as: heavy tails and pronounced sharp peaks in the dissipation distributions, in addition to

accurate prediction of both forward cascade and backscattering of the turbulent kinetic energy. Therefore,

the proposed multi-scale (kinetics-to-continuum) LES modeling paradigm paves the way for developing a

new generation of intelligent nonlocal turbulence models for long-standing and large-scale applications.

On the numerical analysis side, the k-fold cross-validation of nonlocal convective/advective-diffusive

models often introduces a range of solution singularities, rendering the underlying Sobolev spaces’

fractional indices random. We first review some major developments in fractional and tempered fractional

Sturm-Liouville eigen-problems, providing tunable basis/test functions with attractive spectral properties.

Subsequently, we introduce our notion of “Distributed Sobolev Spaces”, which helps rigorously obtain the

corresponding variational formulation for the resulting distributed PDEs. We will next present a variant of

Petrov-Galerkin spacetime spectral method for fully distributed advection-diffusion-reaction PDEs along

with a unified fast solver with optimal complexity in any (1+d) dimensions. We finally reveal several new

exciting research fronts, where our proposed stochastic multi-scale approach in discovering predictive

generalized-order models appear to make a noticeable difference in the context of complex/polymeric and

aging materials in energy, defense, and health applications.

Date: Friday, March 14

Speaker:  Xiangxiong Zhang  (Purdue)

Title: An optimization-based approach for enforcing invariant domain of gas dynamics equations 


Date: Friday,  February 28  (no double seminar as the room is booked)

Speaker: Boris Andrews (Oxford)

Title: High-order conservative and accurately dissipative numerical integrators via auxiliary variables 

Abstract:  Numerical methods for the simulation of transient systems with structure-preserving properties are known to exhibit greater accuracy and physical reliability, in particular over long durations.

However, there remain difficulties in devising geometric numerical integrators that conserve non-quadratic invariants or dissipation laws.

In this work, we propose a framework for the construction of timestepping schemes that preserve dissipation laws and conserve multiple general invariants, via finite elements in time and the systematic introduction of auxiliary variables; each of these methods extends to arbitrary order in time.

We demonstrate the ideas by devising novel integrators that exactly conserve all known invariants of general integrable systems (including the Kepler and Kovalevskaya problems) and finite-element schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations that conserve mass, momentum, and energy, and provably possess non-decreasing entropy. The approach further generalises several existing ideas in the literature, including Gauss methods, the framework of Cohen & Hairer, and the energy- and helicity-conserving scheme of Rebholz. 

Date: Friday,  February 28  (no double seminar as the room is booked)

Speaker: Boris Andrews (Oxford)

Title: High-order conservative and accurately dissipative numerical integrators via auxiliary variables 

Abstract:  Numerical methods for the simulation of transient systems with structure-preserving properties are known to exhibit greater accuracy and physical reliability, in particular over long durations.

However, there remain difficulties in devising geometric numerical integrators that conserve non-quadratic invariants or dissipation laws.

In this work, we propose a framework for the construction of timestepping schemes that preserve dissipation laws and conserve multiple general invariants, via finite elements in time and the systematic introduction of auxiliary variables; each of these methods extends to arbitrary order in time.

We demonstrate the ideas by devising novel integrators that exactly conserve all known invariants of general integrable systems (including the Kepler and Kovalevskaya problems) and finite-element schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations that conserve mass, momentum, and energy, and provably possess non-decreasing entropy. The approach further generalises several existing ideas in the literature, including Gauss methods, the framework of Cohen & Hairer, and the energy- and helicity-conserving scheme of Rebholz. 

Date: Friday,  February 21 

Speaker: Phillipe Devloo  (UNICAMP)
Prof. Devloo studied his undergraduate studies in Gent, Belgium in Electromechanical Engineering (1976 - 1981). After a one-year study of Computer Science in 1981, he enrolled at the University of Texas in Austin to pursue a PhD in computational mechanics under the supervision of J T Oden (1982 - 1987). From 1988-1922 worked at INPE (Space Research Institute in Brasil). From 1992-now is full professor at the State University of Campinas.  

Title:  Research on Hdiv approximations and their use in computational mechanics 

Abstract:  In recent years the research group of LabMeC/UNICAMP has developed innovative research in Hdiv approximations. This seminar emphasizes the

different steps of this research effort.

- An innovative construction of Hdiv spaces for the complete family of finite element topologies, with De Rham compatibility to corresponding L2 spaces or Hcurl spaces

- Effective error estimation of Hdiv approximations using H1 reconstruction

- Construction of high order Hdiv approximations with constant divergence

- hp-adaptive Hdiv approximations, a criterium for refining in h or p

- Pointwise conservating Hdiv approximations in a multiscale setting

- On the use of Hdiv spaces for approximating Stokes and/or elasticity equations 

Date: Friday,  February 21, Noon-1:00pm

Speaker:   Johannes Brandstetter  ,Johannes Kepler University Linz and serves as Chief Researcher at NXAI 

Title:  What’s the next wave of disruption in science and engineering?


In the era of LLM models, one gets notoriously confronted with the question of where we stand with applicability of large-scale deep learning models within scientific or engineering domains. The discussion starts by reiterating on recent triumphs in weather and climate modeling, making connections to computer vision, physics-informed learning and neural operators. Secondly, we discuss (potential) breakthroughs in multi-physics modeling, computational fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and general relativity.

Date: Friday,  January 31, 2025

Speaker:  Vaclav Kucera (Charles University)

Title: Tempered Finite Elements: A novel method for computing on degenerate meshes 

Abstract:  Classical finite elements fail to converge when the triangulation of

the computational domain contains too many degenerating elements organized in

large structures. Such triangulations are however important from the practical

point of view, e.g. when meshing interfaces. In this talk we present a simple

modification of the finite element method which allows to compute on meshes

containing arbitrarily degenerate elements, even ones with zero or negative

measure. We present the theory as well as practice of this new technique and demonstrate its performance on various problems. 

  Fall 2024

Date: Friday, November 1 11am-noon OK; noon-1pm NOT OK (room is booked)


Date: Friday, November 1 11am-noon OK; noon-1pm NOT OK (room is booked)


Date: Friday, October 25, 2024

SpeakerWei Wang (University of Florida)

Title:  Multiscale Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Schrodinger Equations 

Abstract:  In this talk, we will introduce a high-order multiscale discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for stationary Schrodinger

equations in quantum transport. Due to the oscillatory nature of the solutions, traditional numerical methods require extremely

refined meshes to capture the small scale structure, resulting in the high computational cost. Our multiscale method applies WKB asymptotic to construct non-polynomial multiscale basis functions so that it can capture the solution better on coarse meshes. We will first present our approach for the 1D case and then extend our approach to a special 2D case where the solution exhibits oscillations mainly in one direction. Numerical results and error estimates will also be provided.


Joint work with Prof. Bo Dong and Prof. Chi-Wang Shu. 

Date: Friday, October 11, 2024

Speaker: Andreas Meister of University of Kassel
Title:  Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Methods for Compressible Flows at all Mach Numbers

Abstract:  We will present a comprehensive study of a finite volume method for inviscidand viscous flow fields at high and low speeds. Thereby, the results of a formal asymptotic low Mach number analysis are used to extend the validity of the numerical method from the simulation of compressible flow fields at transonic as well as supersonic speed to the low Mach number regime. To overcome the well-known failure of compressible numerical method in the low Mach number regime we combine the numerical flux function with a preconditioned formulation. Both,a wide variety of trans-, super-, hyper-, and subsonic realistic test cases as wellas a formal discrete asymptotic analysis are employed in order to prove the validity of the derived numerical method from hypersonic to low Mach numberfluid flow.

Date: Friday, September 13, 2024

Speaker: Adi Ditkowski  

Title: Department of Applied Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University,  

Abstract: Block Finite Difference methods (BFD) are Finite Difference (FD) methods in which the domain is divided into blocks, or cells, containing two or more grid points with a different stencil used for each grid point, unlike the standard FD method, where the same stencil is used for every grid point. Using this approach, we can design the scheme such that the leading term of the truncation error lies in a different subspace than the solution. Different dynamics can then be assigned to the error and the solution. Therefore, we can construct high-performance schemes.

In this talk, we present BFD for the heat and advection equations in one and multiple dimensions. For the heat equations, we show that we can use the scheme's dissipation to get a fifth-order convergence rate from a third-order truncation scheme. Furthermore, a six-order convergence rate can be obtained using a post-processing filter.

We can obtain a six-order phase error for the advection equation while maintaining the rest of the errors bounded in time.


We also show that these BFD schemes are highly accurate, nodal-based Discontinuous Galerkin  Methods.

This work was conducted in collaboration with Anne Le Blanc and Chi-Wang Shu.

  Fall 2023

Date: Friday, October 6, 2023 

Speaker:  Jesse Chan Rice University



Date: Friday, November 10, 2023 AT Noon! 

Speaker:  Tarik Dzanic

Title: Constructing provably robust, constraint-satisfying finite element methods for computational physics

Abstract: Finite element methods (FEM) have been widely used for simulating a broad range of multi-scale, multi-physics phenomena due to their accuracy and computational efficiency. However, when approximating systems that must abide by strict physical constraints, their robustness can be severely degraded as the predicted solutions may not satisfy these constraints, resulting in physically inconsistent predictions or the failure of the schemes altogether. In this talk, I will present provably robust, constraint-satisfying FEM approaches for computational physics applications, particularly focusing on discontinuous FEM-type schemes for hyperbolic and mixed systems. The proposed methodology relies on constructing and enforcing specific constraints on the solution such that the schemes can: 1) guarantee that the predicted solution remains physically admissible; 2) robustly and accurately resolve features that may otherwise cause numerically ill-behaved solutions; and 3) retain the high fidelity, high-order accuracy, and computational efficiency of standard FEM approaches. This talk will discuss how physical admissibility constraints can be paired with more restrictive entropy conditions that ensure well-behaved numerical solutions without sacrificing accuracy and how these conditions can be enforced through nonlinear filtering methods, which can be efficiently implemented on modern massively-parallel computing architectures. The resulting approach will be shown across a variety of application areas, ranging from multi-species gas dynamics and viscous fluid flows to magnetohydrodynamics and statistical thermodynamics.

  Spring 2024

Date: Friday, February 2, 2024 

Speaker:  Paris Perdrekis (U-PENN)

Title: A Unifying Framework for Operator Learning via Neural Fields 

Abstract: Operator learning is an emerging area of machine learning which aims to learn mappings between infinite dimensional function spaces and has led to the development of new architectures such as the Fourier Neural Operator, the DeepONet, and their extensions.  In this talk I will uncover a previously unrecognized connection between existing operator learning architectures and conditioned neural fields used in computer vision.  This results in a unified framework for explaining differences between popular operator learning architectures, and creates a bridge for adapting well-developed tools from computer vision for operator learning.  In particular, we find all existing operator learning architectures are neural fields whose conditioning mechanisms are restricted to use only pointwise and/or global information from their inputs.  This motivates us to design new architectures which make use of a hierarchy of scales for conditioning a base neural field.  By making use of multi-scale conditioning, we observe consistent performance gains and obtain state of the art results across a collection of challenging benchmarks in climate modelling and fluid dynamics.

*joint work with Jacob Seidman, Hanwen Wang, Shyam Sankaran and George Pappas

Date: Friday, February 9, 2024 

Speaker:  Andre  Nachbin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Title: Solitary Water Waves on Graphs  

Abstract: We have deduced a weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive Boussinesq system for water waves on a 1D branching channel, namely on a graph. The model required a new compatibility condition at the graph’s node, where the main reach bifurcates into two reaches. The new nonlinear compatibility condition generalizes that presented by Stoker (1957) and includes forking angles. We present numerical simulations comparing solitary waves on the 1D (reduced) graph model with results of the (parent) 2D model, where a compatibility condition is not needed. We will comment on some new problems that arise.  

Date: Friday, February 16, 2024 

Speaker:  Daniel Appelo (Virginia Tech)

Title: WaveHoltz: Parallel and Scalable Solution of the Helmholtz Equation via Wave Equation Iteration  

Abstract: We introduce a novel idea, the WaveHoltz iteration, for solving the Helmholtz equation. The method is inspired by recent work on exact controllability (EC) methods and as in EC methods we make use of time domain methods for wave equations to design frequency domain Helmholtz solvers, but unlike EC methods we do not require adjoint solves. We show that the WaveHoltz iteration is symmetric and positive definite (compared to the indefinite Helmholtz equation). We present numerical examples, using various discretization techniques, that show that our method can be used to solve problems with rather high wave numbers.   

Date: Friday, February 23, 2024 

Speaker:    Bamdad Hosseini, Washington University

Title:  Kernel Methods for Solving and Learning PDEs: Algorithms and Error Analysis 

Abstract: Abstract: In this talk I will present a kernel collocation method for solving PDEs and inverse problems that is inspired by advances in the machine learning literature and in particular the theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHSs) and Gaussian Processes (GPs). The proposed methodology has a lot of desirable properties such as a dimension benign implementation and relatively straightforward error analysis. I will discuss the main idea behind this error analysis and how it reveals a broader framework for the analysis of other PDE solvers including neural net techniques such as Physics Informed Neural Nets (PINNs). 

Date: Friday, March 8, 2024 

Speaker: . Yingda Cheng, Virginia Tech  

Title: Implicit time and rank adaptive method for time-dependent PDEs 

Abstract: In this work, we develop implicit time- and rank-adaptive schemes for stiff time-dependent matrix differential equations. The idea of dynamic low rank approximation (DLRA) is to capture the dynamic evolution of the low rank matrices by a numerical procedure. Our scheme is based on a three-step procedure similar to the unconventional robust integrator (BUG integrator). First, a prediction step is made computing the approximate column and row spaces at the next time level. Second, a Galerkin evolution step is invoked using a base implicit solve for the small core matrix. Finally, a truncation is made according to the error threshold. However, compared with the BUG integrator, which has convergence issues for some PDEs with cross terms, our scheme has two important features which enhance the robustness for convergence. We use the row and column spaces from the explicit step truncation method in the prediction step to alleviate the tangent projection error associated with the dynamic low rank approximation. In addition, a time adaptive strategy is proposed in conjunction with rank adaptivity. We benchmark the scheme in several tests such as anisotropic diffusion to show robust convergence properties. 

Date: Friday, March 29, 2024 

Speaker: Thomas Surowiec, Simula Research Laboratory

Title: Proximal Galerkin: A structure-preserving numerical method for constrained variational problems. From the obstacle problem to fully nonlinear PDEs

Abstract: Bound constraints are one of the most natural features to include in a physical model. Water should not flow through solid rock, warm plastic bends to its mold, and granular material like snow and sand has a natural angle of repose. A computational model can account for these properties by imposing bound constraints on the space of solutions. However, this natural modeling assumption has a steep price. At the theoretical level, it propels us from the realm of partial differential equations (PDEs) to the more intricate domain of infinite-dimensional variational inequalities (VIs). Meanwhile, at the computational level, we meet difficulties overcoming challenges with mesh-dependence, high iteration complexity, and low accuracy that do not appear in unconstrained numerical models.

By combining notions from convex analysis, mathematical optimization, and mixed finite element methods, we propose a new type of nonlinear, geometry-preserving finite element method for variational inequalities, optimal control problems, and several challenging classes of fully nonlinear PDEs. We call this approach the "Proximal Galerkin Method."

With the classical obstacle problem serving as the canonical example for pointwise bound-constrained elliptic variational inequalities, we systematically motivate the method from the perspective of solvers for mixed complementarity problems arising in optimization. After introducing two classes of specially tailored finite element spaces, we investigate the method's performance over various meshes and polynomial degrees, where we observe strong mesh-independence, low iteration complexity, and high order accuracy. We also consider the method's behavior on degenerate problems and its ease of implementation, even when using higher-degree basis functions. These results are complemented by examples in topology optimization and advection-diffusion. The second part of the talk is focussed on both the theoretical underpinnings of the method as well as extensions to fully nonlinear PDEs; in this case, the Eikonal and Monge-Ampère equations.

The proximal Galerkin method was discovered in collaboration with Brendan Keith (Brown).

The results of this talk are part of joint, ongoing work with Brendan Keith, Jørgen Dokken (Simula Research Laboratory), and Patrick E. Farrell (Oxford). 

Date: Friday, April 12, 2024




Date: Friday, April 19, 2024

Speaker: Paula Chen (Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), China Lake)

Title: Recent Advancements in Designing FPGA Implementations for Real-Time Optimal Control

Abstract: Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) represent a promising hardware architecture for real-time, embedded applications. In appropriate settings, FPGAs have been shown to be able to achieve 10-100x speedup over CPUs and GPUs, while using less size, weight, and power. In this talk, we provide an overview of recent advancements and open challenges in designing real-time FPGA implementations for optimal control algorithms. In particular, we discuss how high-level synthesis software tools can be leveraged to facilitate this design process.

Date: Friday, April 26, 2024:

Speaker: Charlie Parker (Oxford University)

Title: Computing H2-conforming finite element approximations without having to implement C1-elements 

Abstract: Fourth-order elliptic problems arise in a variety of applications from thin plates to phase separation to liquid crystals. A conforming Galerkin discretization requires a finite dimensional subspace of H2, which in turn means that conforming finite element subspaces are C1-continuous. In contrast to standard H1-conforming C0-elements, C1-elements, particularly those of high order, are less understood from a theoretical perspective and are not implemented in many existing finite element codes. In this talk, we address the implementation of the elements. In particular, we present algorithms that compute C1 finite element approximations to fourth-order elliptic problems and which only require elements with at most C0-continuity. We also discuss preconditioners and illustrate the method on a number of representative test problems. 

Date: Friday, May 3, 2024:

Speaker:   Florian Schaefer (Georgia Tech)

Title: Models, Solvers, Learners: Statistical Inspiration for Scientific Computing

Abstract: The convergence of scientific computing with statistics and machine learning is an exciting recent development. In this talk, I will present two lines of work that blur the line between statistical inference and numerical computation.

The first and main part of the talk uses ideas from semidefinite programming and information geometry to efficiently simulate gas dynamics in the presence of shock waves. The latter cause severe numerical challenges for classical and learning-based solvers.

The talk begins by observing that shock formation arises from the deformation map reaching the boundary of the manifold of diffeomorphisms. This motivates using the log-determinant barrier function of semidefinite programming to modify the geometry of the manifold such that the deformation map approaches but never reaches its boundary. This information geometric regularization (IGR) preserves the original long-time behavior without forming singular shocks, greatly simplifying numerical simulation. The modified geometry on the diffeomorphism manifold is also the information geometry of the mass density. I will show how this observation motivates information geometric mechanics that views the solutions of continuum mechanical equations as parameters of probability distributions to be evolved on a suitable information geometry, promising far-reaching extensions of IGR. 

The second part of the talk derives fast solvers for elliptic PDEs by relating Cholesky factorization to the conditional distributions of a Gaussian process. The resulting algorithms achieve the new state of the art in terms of rigorous accuracy-vs-cost guarantees, are readily parallelizable, and performant in practice. 

Date: Friday,May 10, 2024:

Speaker:  Leszek Demkowicz (UT Austin)

Title: Separation of Variables with Non-Self Adjoint Operators with Applications to Analysis of Waveguides 

Abstract: I have been teaching separation of variables for over 30 years, and I have always been instructing students

to look for a self-adjoint problem first. We know then that the separation constant (the eigenvalue) is real

and, if the operator happens to be positive definite, we also know that the constant is positive.

This a-priori knowledge about the separation constant simplifies greatly the solution of the problem.

More importantly, by the Sturm-Liouville theory (Spectral Theorem for Self-Adjoint Operators), we know

that the eigenvectors form simultaneously a basis for the L2 as well H1 space, which opens up the way

for a rigorous well-posedness proof.

Only recently, when studying acoustical and electromagnetic waveguides, we have run into a situation where

one needs to perform the separation of variables with a non-self adjoint operator. This has led me to

a half-year long study of excellent and fundamental book by Gohberg and Krein [1] and a number of fundamental

results that I have learned (and should have known a long time ago).

In the talk, I will illustrate the deep theory for non-self adjoint operators with a simple model acoustic

waveguide problem with impedance boundary conditions.

[1] I. Gohberg and M. Krein, Introduction to the Theory of Linear Nonselfadjoint Operators in Hilbert

Space (Translations of Mathematical Monographs). American Mathemtical Society, 1965

(Russian edition), vol. 18.

[2] M. Melenk, L. Demkowicz, and S. Henneking, ‘‘Stability analysis for electromagnetic

waveguides. Part 1: Acoustic and homogeneous electromagnetic waveguides.,’’ Oden

Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, Tech. Rep. 2, 2023, in review.

[3] L. Demkowicz, M. Melenk, J. Badger, and S. Henneking, ‘‘Stability analysis for acoustic and

electromagnetic waveguides. Part 2: Non-homogeneous waveguides.,’’ Advances in

Computational Mathematics, 2024, accepted, see also Oden Institute Report 2023/3. 

  Spring 2023

Date: Friday, Feb., 10, 2023 

Speaker: Stefanie Guenther, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Title:   Optimal control of open quantum systems on HPC platforms


The fundamental operations in current superconducting quantum computers are realized by applying electromagnetic pulses that manipulate qubit states. Those pulses provide the interface between the quantum compiler and the quantum hardware, for example to initialize quantum algorithms, realize logical operations, or create non-classical states.

However, designing pulse shapes that drive the qubits to a desired target with high fidelity and in short turnaround times is a major challenge that often requires domain experts to perform experimental searches guided by physical expertise.

At LLNL, we have developed a framework for automated design of those pulses through numerical optimal control techniques on classical High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms. In this talk, I will introduce the main components of this framework, from the numerical simulation of quantum dynamics in superconducting quantum devices, to the adjoint-based optimization scheme that designs the control pulses on HPC platforms. I will demonstrate various application scenarios such as the challenge of unconditional quantum reset and logical quantum gate transformations. I will include a short introduction to the main principles, advantages and challenges of current quantum computing so that this seminar can be self-contained and approachable for a wide audience.

Short Bio:

Stefanie's research focusses on numerical optimal control for differential equations on High-Performance Computing platforms. She joined the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in 2019 on the Sidney Fernbach Fellowship, where she worked on optimal control techniques to improve and accelerate scientific machine learning, as well as optimal control for quantum computing to improve fundamental quantum operations, and is now a staff member at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at LLNL since Jan 2022. Prior, Stefanie has received her PhD in 2017 from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, researching simultaneous optimization methods for time-dependent partial differential equations with applications in computational fluid dynamics, including chaotic dynamics in collaboration with Prof. Qiqi Wang at MIT, Cambridge.

Date: Friday, Feb. 17, 2023

Speaker: Xiangxiong Zhang, Purdue University

Title:   Recent Progress on Q^k Spectral Element Method: Accuracy, Monotonicity and Applications on Compressible Navier-Stokes equations


Spectral element methods usually refer to finite element methods with high order polynomial basis. The Q^k spectral element method has been a popular high order method for solving second order PDEs, e.g., wave equations, for more than three decades, obtained by continuous finite element method with tenor product polynomial of degree k basis and with at least (k+1)-point Gauss-Lobatto quadrature. In this talk, I will present some brand new results of this classical scheme, including its accuracy, monotonicity (stability), and examples of using monotonicity to construct high order accurate bound (or positivity) preserving schemes in various applications including the Allen-Cahn equation coupled with an incompressible velocity field, Keller-Segel equation for chemotaxis, nonlinear eigenvalue problem for Gross–Pitaevskii equation, and especially compressible Navier-Stokes equations.

1) Accuracy: when the least accurate (k+1)-point Gauss-Lobatto quadrature is used, the spectral element method is also a finite difference (FD) scheme, and this FD scheme can sometimes be (k+2)-th order accurate for k>=2. This has been observed in practice and well known but never proven before as rigorous a priori error estimates in multiple dimensions. We are able to prove it for linear elliptic, wave, parabolic and Schrödinger equations for Dirichlet boundary conditions. For Neumann boundary conditions, (k+2)-th order can be proven if there is no mixed second order derivative. Otherwise, only (k+3/2)-th order can be proven and some order loss is indeed observed in numerical tests. The accuracy result also applies to the spectral element method on any curvilinear mesh that can be smoothly mapped to a rectangular mesh, e.g., solving a wave equation on an annulus region with a curvilinear mesh generated by polar coordinates. 

2) Monotonicity: consider solving the Poisson equation, then a scheme is called monotone if the inverse of the stiffness matrix is entrywise non-negative. It is well known that second order centered difference or P1 finite element method can form an M-matrix thus they are monotone, and high order accurate schemes in general are not monotone. But on structured meshes, high order accurate schemes can be monotone, though they do not form M-matrices. In particular, we have proven that the fourth order accurate FD scheme (Q^2 spectral element method) is a product of two M-matrices thus monotone for a variable coefficient diffusion operator: this is the first time that a high order accurate scheme is proven monotone for a variable coefficient operator. We have also proven the fifth order accurate FD scheme (Q^3 spectral element method) is a product of three M-matrices thus monotone for the Poisson equation: this is the first time that a fifth order accurate discrete Laplacian is proven monotone in two dimensions (all previously known high order monotone discrete Laplacian in 2D are fourth order accurate). For solving compressible Navier-Stokes equations, the monotonicity of Q^2 and Q^3 elements can be used to construct semi-implicit positivity-preserving schemes. 

Date: Friday, Feb. 24, 2023  

Speaker: Hasnaa Zidani (INSA Rouen) and Olivier Bokanowski (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne universite)

Title:   TBA 



Date: Friday, Mar. 24, 2023  

Speaker: Tongtong Li (Math Department, Dartmouth College)

Title:   Data Assimilation for Discontinuous State Variables

Abstract: Data assimilation is a method for combining available observations with a background from numerical model, to find the best estimate of the system, which is crucial for improving environmental variable prediction. However, commonly used Gaussian distribution assumption could introduce biases for state variables with discontinuous profiles, such as sea ice thickness with sharp features. In this talk, we focus on the design of non-Gaussian prior based on various statistics of the state variables. In particular, we adopt a covariance matrix, which is designed using the gradient information of the state variable, for a prior distribution in the data assimilation framework. This method is computationally efficien and is flexible to be applied in various data assimilation algorithms.


Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023  

Speaker: Marie Elisabeth Rognes, Simula Research Laboratory

Title:   Perivascular pathways and the dimension-2 gap


Your brain has its own waterscape: whether you are reading, thinking or sleeping, fluid flows through or around the brain tissue, clearing waste in the process. These biophysical processes are crucial for the well-being and function of the brain. In spite of their importance we understand them but little, and mathematical and computational modelling could play a crucial role in gaining new insight. In this talk, I will discuss mathematical, numerical and biophysical approaches to understand mechanisms underlying flow and transport in the human brain with an emphasis on coupled systems of partial differential equations with dimension gap > 1.

Short bio:

Marie E. Rognes is Research Professor in Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis at Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California San Diego. She joined Simula Research Laboratory in 2009, after received her Ph.D from the University of Oslo in the same year, led its Department for Biomedical Computing from 2012-2016, and currently leads a number of research projects focusing on mathematical modelling and numerical methods for brain mechanics including an ERC Starting Grant in Mathematics (2017-2023). She won the 2015 Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, the 2018 Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Prize for Young Researchers within the Natural Sciences, is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, and a member of the FEniCS Steering Council. 

Date: Friday, April 14, 2023

Speaker: Alexandre Ern (Universite Paris-Est and INRIA)

Title: Hybrid high-order methods for the biharmonic problem


We start with a gentle introduction to the devising and analysis of hybrid high-order (HHO) methods for the Poisson model problem. Then, we address the biharmonic problem and we compare the proposed HHO methods to the literature, in particular to weak Galerkin methods. Finally, we briefly discuss how the error analysis can be carried out in the case of an exact solution with low regularity. 

Date: Friday, May 5

Speaker: Bon Eisenberg ( Illinois Institute of Technology and Rush Medical School )

Title:  From Maxwell to Mitochondria, a Kirchhoff Computation 

Abstract: Current flow in circuits is the physical basis of computation

in computers and the nervous system. We show how the Maxwell equations

in circuits imply Kirchhoff's current law, but only when current includes

the universal displacement current ε_0 ∂E/∂t.

Mitochondria house the respiratory chain of proteins

that make ATP, that stores the chemical energy of life. Kirchhoff's

current law makes

possible computations of the 〖>10〗^18  atoms of the mitochondrion, as

it made possible the computation of the Atlantic cable (Kelvin Heaviside),

the nerve axon (Hodgkin Huxley), the lens of the eye (Mathias Huang),

and the glia of the optic nerve bundle (Huang Xu et al). 

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023  (B&H 751, 4:00 pm)

Speaker: Boyan Lazarov (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Title: Large scale density-based topology optimization with applications in mechanics, and coupled multiphysics problems


Topology optimization has gained the status of being the preferred optimization tool in the

mechanical, automotive, and aerospace industries. It has undergone tremendous development since its

introduction in 1988, and nowadays, it has spread to many other disciplines such as Acoustics, Optics, and

Material Design. The basic idea is to distribute material in a predefined domain by minimizing a selected

objective and fulfilling a set of constraints. The procedure consists of repeated system analyses, gradient

evaluation steps by adjoint sensitivity analysis, and design updates based on mathematical programming

methods. Regularization techniques ensure the existence of a solution.

The result of the topology optimization procedure is a bitmap image of the design. The ability of the method to

modify every pixel/voxel results in design freedom unavailable by any other alternative approach. However, this

freedom comes with the requirement of using the computational power of large parallel machines.

Incorporating a model accounting for exploitation and manufacturing variations in the optimization process and

the high contrast between the material phases increase further the computational cost. Thus, this talk focuses

on methods for reducing the computational complexity, ensuring manufacturability of the optimized design and

efficient handling of the high contrast of the material properties. The development will be demonstrated in

airplane wing design, compliant mechanisms, heat sinks, material microstructures for additive manufacturing,

and photonic devices.

Date: Friday, May 12, 2023

Speaker: Oleg Davydov (Giessen) 

Title: Topics in Meshless Finite Difference Methods


Abstract: Meshless finite difference methods are the finite difference methods on irregular nodes, with stencils obtained by optimizing numerical differentiation using polynomials or radial basis

functions. These techniques are inherently meshless and isogeometric, and applicable to a large range of problems. I will report on several recent computational results for the elliptic equations on

manifolds, elliptic interface problems, Stokes equation and scalar conservation laws. In addition, a link to the collocation for the spaces of "overlap splines" will be discussed, that promises a

progress on the theoretical understanding of these methods.


Fall 2022

Date: Friday, Sept. 23, 2022 (CANCELED) 

Speaker: Wasilij Barsukow, University of Bordeaux and CNRS

Title:   Beyond Godunov’s method: A new structure preserving numerical method for conservation laws  


Exact solutions to systems of conservation laws in multiple spatial dimensions often possess interesting additional properties which are a consequence of the equations. Examples are the evolution equations of vorticity or angular momentum, involutional constraints, stationary states or singular limits. A popular way to derive numerical methods for conservation laws (due to Godunov) approximates the solution by a piecewise constant function. This way, numerical diffusion is introduced which stabilizes the method, but generically prevents it from preserving any of those additional properties on grids with finite spacing (it is not “structure-preserving”). Excessive grid refinement, however, is expensive and impractical. Active Flux is a new kind of numerical method which uses a globally continuous approximation of the solution. The evolution of the averages is conservative, and the method is able to resolve shocks correctly. Its centerpiece is a short-time evolution of continuous data which provides the necessary upwinding and stability. The talk will describe this numerical method and show examples of it being naturally structure preserving.

Support provided from the C.V. Starr Foundation Lectureship Fund.

Date: Friday, Nov. 18, 2022

Speaker: Jay Gopalakrishnan, Portland State University

Title: A diagram chase to get a discrete elasticity complex


Differential complexes have shed new insight into the finite elements in recent years. This talk is devoted to the elasticity complex, which provides an example of how complicated exact sequence of spaces can be built from simple ones.  Lining up two simpler complexes, we start by performing a "diagram chase", which often goes by the name of Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution. In the remainder of the talk, we show how this process can be perfectly mimicked at the discrete level on a three-dimensional mesh of macroelements of Alfeld's type. It results in a discrete elasticity complex, complete unisolvent degrees of freedom and cochain projections. This is joint work with S. Christiansen, J. Guzman and K. Hu.

Date: Friday, Dec. 9, 2022 

Speaker: Nisha Chandramoorthy (MIT)

Title:  Learning from dynamics, learning dynamics and the dynamics of learning 


In this talk, we take a dynamical systems approach toward three algorithmic questions that arise from complex systems in scientific and machine learning applications.

In the first part, we discuss the computation of linear response: the derivative of statistics or long-time averages of a dynamical system with respect to its input parameters. In many ergodic chaotic systems, such as certain turbulent fluid flows, detailed climate models, etc., linear response exists but has been notoriously difficult to compute. Apart from the curse of dimensionality, this difficulty can be attributed to a defining aspect of chaos: infinitesimal perturbations along a given orbit grow in norm exponentially. In this talk, we present a new alternative for linear response computation called the space-split sensitivity (S3) algorithm. One key component of S3 is a fast computation of conditional scores – log gradients of probability measures conditioned on the unstable manifold.

In the second third, we discuss the problem of Bayesian filtering in chaotic systems, where the goal is to sample from a sequence of filtering distributions, which are probability distributions of the state conditioned on past observations. Filtering algorithms based on measure transport do not yet exploit the structure in the target (filtering) distributions that arises from the underlying chaotic dynamics. Here we propose an ansatz, based on the concept of conjugacies, for the transport map and compute it by exploiting our fast computation of scores.

Finally, we discuss a problem where taking the dynamical systems approach is insightful for generalization in machine learning: the performance of a learning algorithm on unseen data. We consider local descent training algorithms that do not converge to a fixed point but whose long-time averages converge. We redefine generalization and training errors, which traditionally use loss values at fixed parameters, in terms of loss statistics. We then extend classical generalization analyses to such non-converging regimes. Further, we show how training dynamics can provide clues for generalization.

Bio: Nisha Chandramoorthy is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society at MIT. She received her Ph.D. in computational science from MIT. Her work lies at the intersection of dynamical systems and ergodic theory with other areas of applied math, including statistical learning theory and Bayesian statistics. She is interested in computational methods development and analyses for complex systems that can have a positive societal impact, including those that arise in systems biology and climate studies.

Support provided from the C.V. Starr Foundation Lectureship Fund.

  Fall 2023