2011 Madrid Summer Workshop on Economic Theory

Madrid Summer Workshop on Economic Theory (M-SWET) 2011

Organized by:

Antonio Cabrales (U. Carlos III), Guillermo Caruana (CEMFI), Diego Moreno (U. Carlos III),

and Roberto Serrano (Brown U. and IMDEA).

Sponsored by:

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Fundación Rafael del Pino, and the organizing institutions.


CEMFI, Casado del Alisal 5, 28014 Madrid.

Program: Wednesday, 15-06-2011

Morning session (chair –Guillermo Caruana)

09:30-10:45-Zvika Neeman (Tel-Aviv University) “Renegotiation-proof mechanism design” (joint with Gregory Pavlov)

10:45-11:00-Discussion: Ángel Hernando (U Carlos III)

11:00-11:30-Coffee break

11:30-12:45-Jose Luis Ferreira (U Carlos III) “Capacity pre-commitment, price competition and forward markets”

12:45-13:00-Discussion: Guillermo Caruana (CEMFI)


Afternoon session (chair –Diego Moreno)

14:15-15:45-Balazs Szentes (LSE) “Definable and Contractible Contracts” (joint with Michael Peters)

15:30-15:45-Discussion: Antonio Cabrales (U Carlos III)

15:45-16:15-Coffee break

16:15-17:30-Pablo Ruiz Verdú (U Carlos III) “Should CEOs be rewarded for the decisions they make? Delegated expertise and CEO pay“ (joint with Marco Celentani and Rosa Loveira)

17:30-17:45-Discussion: Indrajit Ray (U. Birmingham)


Master Lecture

19:00- 20:30-Roger Myerson (University of Chicago) “A Perspective on John Maynard Keynes and How to Understand Financial Crises” (held at Fundación Rafael del Pino)


Program: Thursday, 16-06-2011

Morning session (chair –Roberto Serrano)

09:30-10:15-Jean-Charles Rochet (University of Zurich) “Aggregate Investment Externalities and Macroprudential Regulation” (joint with Hans Gersbach)

10:15-10:30-Discussion: Max Bruche (CEMFI)

10:30-11:00-Coffee break

11:00-12:15-Gerard Llobet (CEMFI) “Walking Wounded or Living Dead? Making Banks Foreclose Bad Loans (joint with Max Bruche)

12:15-12:30-Discussion: Rolf Campos (IESE)

12:30-13:45-Roger Myerson (University of Chicago ) “A Model of Moral-Hazard Credit Cycles”

13:45-14:00-Discussion: Jean-Charles Rochet (University of Zurich)


Afternoon session (chair –Antonio Cabrales)

15:00-16:15-Suzanne Scotchmer (UC Berkeley) “Verifiability and Group Formation in Markets” (joint with Chris Shannon)

16:15-16:30-Discussion: Diego Moreno (U Carlos III)

16:30-17:00-Coffee break

17:00-18:15-Caterina Calsamiglia (UAB) “All about Priorities: on How Parents Preferences are Ignored in School Choice” (joint with Antonio Miralles)

18:15-18:30-Discussion: Ignacio Ortuño (U Carlos III)

21:00-Speakers Dinner