Screen Recording:

Getting Usable Clips

In order to make video essays, you have to be able to reference the media you are critiquing. This page will take you show you how you can screen record with system audio to grab very good quality clips from media sources. The resources you will find below were compiled with in the context of using media for educational purposes. Outside of educational purposes, always make sure that you obtain the rights needed to use copyrighted material.


1: Open Broadcast Studio

OBS is a very powerful streaming software that also happens to be great at screen recording. OBS can be used on Mac, Windows, or Linux. It is free to use and open source! Download and install the latest version of OBS by clicking the button below. If you are Mac user, you will also need to download the blackhole plugin as well

2. Blackhole Plugin (Just for Mac users)

Blackhole is virtual audio driver that allows us to record system audio. Without it, we would have to play media out of our speakers and rerecord with computer mics, which often leads to poor audio quality.

Blackhole is free, though they do ask users to register with a name and email before you can download the software. For the latest version, you may need to go to their website. If you don't want to provide your information, you can download and install version 0.2.10 via our google drive by clicking the button below. We will be using the 2 channel version of blackhole.

How to Screen Record

The following video will show you how to screen record using OBS and set up Blackhole. The video is made using a Mac. Windows users can follow along with everything except setting up desktop audio, which is covered in a separate video on the right (below if on mobile).

Timestamp Sections

00:00, Setting up Blackhole

01:06, OBS Preferences (Including Audio)

02:08, Adding Sources (Display Capture)

02:36, Setting Audio Levels

03:40, Framing the Capture Window

04:45, Recording

Windows Users: Setting up Audio