
The Center for Language Studies (CLS) at Brown University is happy to introduce its Virtual Art Exhibit. This entirely online exhibit features a variety of pieces created by members of the Brown community and focuses on several themes devoted to language, culture, justice, and multilingualism around the globe. With this rotating exhibit, we aim to open a creative portal that will amplify voices and visualize experiences of language and culture. We hope to foster a multimodal and multilingual dialog through the perspectives of individuals that make up our Brown community - students, staff, and faculty.

Upcoming Exhibit Themes:

  • Illustrating Justice around the Globe

  • Visualizing Multilingual Diversity

  • Illuminating Our Language Story

Calls for submissions will be sent out via Today@Brown and email listservs, so keep your eye out for a chance to submit to an upcoming exhibit!

Contact us at languages@brown.edu

About the CLS

The Center for Language Studies is the hub for the teaching and learning of languages at Brown. Each year we sponsor an array of events including language tables and open hours for undergraduates as well as workshops, lectures, colloquia and conferences for faculty and graduate students. We coordinate orientation sessions for new graduate student TAs, language placement testing, and advising for self-study in less commonly taught languages.

CLS assists its members in applying for grants to conduct research into second language acquisition, to incorporate curricular innovations and creative teaching approaches, to develop innovative teaching materials, and to adapt existing and emerging technologies. The Center functions as the University liaison to the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, which facilitates contacts between faculty at its member institutions, provides funds for projects, and convenes workshops and conferences on topics pertinent to the profession.

Visit our website for more information about our events, programs, and language offerings!

Follow the CLS on Social Media for more updates about offerings at Brown and beyond!