Adult Resources

Resources by Category

  • This category includes services for basic needs, domestic violence, financial assistance, food security, housing, and hotlines. (e.g. food banks, domestic violence shelters, rental, and utility assistance, etc.)

  • This category is designed specifically for seniors, older adults, caregivers, and families in locating available services and information. (e.g. Homecare and case management, home repairs, housing and shelter, benefits and public assistance, counseling and mental health, workforce and volunteer opportunities, continuing education, legal, disability services, support groups, etc. )

  • This category is designed to assist families in finding direct services and supports for early childhood, school age, and adolescence. e.g. early childhood education and child care, parenting classes, support groups, disability services. (Ages 0-17 years)

  • This category includes a wide range of traditional and holistic health related services for children and adults. Topics also include resources required to access healthcare services such as insurance and testing services. (e.g. insurance, pediatrics, primary care, dental, mental health, testing, adjunctive health services, support groups, respite care, etc.)

Location of Resources

Additional Resources of Interest

Assistance with Access to Adult Resources