7th Grade - General Info
- Quarter 2 Grades close on Friday, January 28th >>> Report Cards will go home on Friday, February 4th. Please sign the manila envelope and return to teachers
Quarter 3 begins on Monday, January 31st.
- Spiritwear Orders due with payment by Tuesday, February 1st!
- Please let Miss Geeza know if you are not receiving Google Guardian summaries for your student! These can help you support their learning with assignments and class specific announcements/resources.
Quarantine Expectations
- For Language Arts and Geography work, please go to the Google Classroom and contact Mr. Kiefer (LA) or Miss Geeza (Geo) with any specific questions.
- Due to the nature of Math and Science work, please contact Mrs. Schultz (Math) and Miss Russo (Science). They will put papers together for you to collect at the main office of the Middle School. You may also reach out to them with any specific questions about the work assigned
- If you need computer access, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to arrange for them to have your chromebook sent to the main office for pickup
*If you are unable to come to the Middle School to pick things up, please let one of the 7th grade teachers or the front office staff know. We will do our best to arrange a drop off!
School calendar, with 4-day Rotation

Staff Contact Information
Click on the email address to write an email to that teacher
Mr. Matthew Kiefer (Language Arts) -- kiefer@brooklynschools.org
Miss Natalie Geeza (Geography) -- ngeeza@brooklynschools.org
Mrs. April Schultz (Math) -- schultz@brooklynschools.org
Miss Shannon Russo (Science) -- russo@brooklynschools.org
Mrs. Vicki Poirier (Special Education Teacher) poirier@brooklynschools.org
Mrs. Holly Baribeau (Reading Interventionist) baribeau@brooklynschools.org
Mrs. Lori Reynolds (Math Interventionist) lreynolds@brooklynschools.org
Mrs. Marybeth Kerr (Social Worker) mkerr@brooklynschools.org