ELA/Social Studies

English Language Arts

Social Studies

  • National Geographic Kids

  • Smithsonian History Explorer - History Explorer is the online portal for free, standards-based K-12 resources including lesson plans, interactives, videos, and artifacts from the National Museum of American History.

  • Maptia - Geographic and cultural story-telling. Also, an excellent cross-curricular resource for English/Language Arts.


  • Read, Write, Think Student Interactives - Engage your students in online literacy learning with these interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun. - grades K-5

  • Boom Writer - Begin with a story starter and students log in to write. After the different developments are read, students decide which direction the story should take. Edits and conferences abound until students agree the story is finished. Then it is published! - grades 3-8

  • NaNoWrimo - Young writers program supports under-18 writers and K-12 educators as they participate in our flagship event each November, and take part in smaller writing challenges year-round.