Azalea Middle School

Resources for Schooling at Home

Positive Discipline for Parents

If you need support in creating a positive interaction with your kids at home, we are here to support you!

Many of our teachers have been using this model of collaboration, class meetings, positive time outs, making agreements and self-regulation tools in times of conflict. What do you have to lose? Try a few and get support! Try these areas from, or Azalea partner for creating positive space.

  1. self-regulation

  2. family meetings

  3. connection, contribution

  4. learning from mistakes + repair

  5. sibling conflict

Self regulation activities.pdf
Making Agreements and Follow through Positive Discipline

Best Practices for Learning at Home

General Resources

  • PBS LearningMedia - PBS LearningMedia is a free service that offers thousands of contextualized learning materials aligned to state and national standards.

  • Scholastic Learn at Home - Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing. The site will be updated weekly until 20 days of content is available.

  • Nepris Industry Chats - virtual chats with people from different industries to keep students engage

  • Crash Course - Playlists for courses in physics, philosophy, games, economics, U.S. government and politics, astronomy, anatomy & physiology, world history, biology, literature, ecology, chemistry, psychology, and U.S. history.

  • Brain Pop- Great educational videos with quizzes and games. Must be subscribed, but it is free for school closures

  • Brain Pop Jr (K-3)

  • Audible - free audiobooks for kids of all ages