Welcome to Mrs. Mohr's First Grade

Email- mohrk@brookfieldps.org

Classdojo is our communication device of choice. I will have pictures, activities, daily classroom lessons, and private messages for us. Please download on your phone the classdojo app. It is free. The first day of school I will send home your login information that will give you direct access to our classdojo site and private communication for me and you regarding school. This is not a public forum, all users will only be granted access after my approval. You can also download it onto your P.C. by following this code https://www.classdojo.com .

2021 Class Schedule

9:00 Morning Meeting

9:10 Open Court

9:50 Writing

10:25 - ELT

11:10 Lunch

11:40 Recess

12:25 Special

1:15 Math

1:55 Snack

2:10 Reading

2:50 Content/Read Aloud

3:05 Pack up