
At BHS, we are a learning community committed to fostering intellect, respect, and integrity

SAT Tips and Tricks

Upcoming Quizzes/ Tests

AP Calculus BC

5/14 AP Exam Day

Algebra 2

5/7 Quiz on Rational Expressions


5/2 Quiz on Hypothesis Testing


5/7 Quiz on Graphing Rational Functions


Homework is listed under individual tabs and is kept as accurate as possible

Socrative Room #36494 - For in-class activities

Twitter @MrFitzBHS - For School, Course and General Info and Inspiration



AP Calculus Calculator Videos

TED Videos

TED Playlists

Bowling Ball Pendulum

Pythagorean Theorem Proof - Water

Numberphile - YouTube Videos

Link to BHS Track and Field Website

Please complete this Welcome Back Survey!

Email Mr. Fitz

Follow Mr. Fitz on Twitter @MrFitzBHS for announcements, motivation and other cool math tidbits

To join Remind for infrequent announcements text the following message to 81010

AP Calc BC: "@bobcatBC19"

Statistics 1 & 2: "@bhsstats19"

Algebra 2 Academic: "@BHSAlg219"

Mr. Ryan Fitzsimmons

Brookfield High School

45 Longmeadow Hill Road

Brookfield, CT 06804