Inclusion Project Introduction

Fostering Student Inclusion in Higher Education

These pages provide resources* for educators and students to work collaboratively to address racism and support student inclusion.

These resources include

1) Suggestions for people to develop confidence to address racial discrimination (see pages '10 things' and '10 more things')

2) How to run discussion groups for students who experience discrimination to foster inclusion (see page 'Discussion Groups Activity'). This was originally developed to support students who experience discrimination on the basis of ethnicity (see note below), but it can be adapted for use with any group of students who experience discrimination.

3) Educational activities to support student inclusion (see page 'Educational Activities')


*These resources were originally developed to help reduce the 'Black and minority ethnic attainment gap', now more appropriately known as the awarding gap, but they can be adapted to foster inclusion among any group of students who experience discrimination or exclusion.

In the Discussion Group Activity I refer to research conducted with a group of students who identified as either Black and from minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds. I acknowledge that this label is problematic (see because it does not take into account the ways in which different ethnic minorities experience racism, and it emphasises particular ethnic groups (for discussion see, for example, this Civil Service blog). However, it is widely used in higher education to understand and address inequalities due to ethnicity.