Career story-telling for 

the Sustainable Development Goals: 

a PRME co-created masterclass

This site provides a full teaching resource for a masterclass that is designed to support student in connecting career aspirations with sustainability. 

It was delivered over 2023-24 at 18 universities, reaching over 800 students.  See the testimonials page from students ane educators for a sense of its appeal. 

We are thankful to PRME UK and Ireland Chapter for funding this project through the ' Seed Funding competition for Developing Innovative Pedagogic Approaches and teaching practices in PRME' (2022).  Thank you also to all collaborating institutions. 

Please see the link below, along with further 'community resources' for a full overview of its pedagogic design.   

Dr Karen Cripps, Cathy d'Abreu and Dr Milena Bobeva 


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