Masterclass frameworks and  underpinning concepts

Please click on the left sub-menu links for further information on these concepts and frameworks 

The SDGs are positioned  as a 'call to adventure' to facilitate students' individual connection to the Global Goals.  

The concept of 'Ikigai' introduces students to constructing a career path aligned with what they love, are good at, the world needs, and they can get paid for 

Dr Arti Kumar (NTF) has been a supportive guide that we are very grateful for. Our session is structured around her SOAR employability framework (Self, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results).    

Dr Isabel Rimanoczy (author of the Sustainability Mindset Principles) is an influential guide and support on our project,  for which we are very thankful.  We draw on her principles to illustrate how they align with job role profiles to help students in crafting applications and preparing for interviews.     

We use Rosén et al's (2019) schematic illustration of UNESCO's (2017) Sustainability Competencies  to support students to identify strengths and developmental areas relevant to career aspirations.  

(Rosén, A. et al  (2019) Mapping the CDIO Syllabus to the UNESCO Key Competencies for Sustainability. Paper presented at 15th International CDIO Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, June 25 – 27, 2019.​

Our project is further underpinned by career construction theory (Savickas 2009) and we draw on Campbell (1949) and Vogler (2007) to facilitate a SDG narrative.