AI Readiness Toolkit
The Next Generation Services through Collaborative Design project team has developed a bespoke methodology to give professional services firms actionable insights for use in their organisations. Drawing on research insights the AI Readiness Toolkit uses design thinking and scenario planning to enable users to explore and negotiate uncertainty around the use of AI in working practices. The AI Readiness Toolkit accompanies the design sprints and scenarios that are facilitated by the core project team on a one-to-one and one-to-many basis! The book is available in hard back and softback (email or you can use the free pdf version embedded below.
Welcome from the Challenge Director - Stephen Browning
It is now something of a truism to observe that artificial intelligence (AI) and data driven technologies are transforming the global economy. This applies to the UK’s services sectors, including the accounting and law firms for whom this toolkit has primarily been developed, as much as any others. There are of course technical challenges to be addressed in the adoption of AI and related technologies, but there are issues of human attitudes and behaviours that are equally – if not more – important. In light of these issues there is considerable value in the multi-disciplinary approach taken to the research and production of this toolkit, covering as it does the technical and organisational challenges, business implications and demands for innovation that confront professional services firms today.
AI and related technologies can enhance routine and data-intensive tasks, allowing professionals more time to focus on other, more value-adding activities. There will always be a need for the human understanding and human decision-making that characterise those higher-value tasks, whatever advances technology might make. Our task at UKRI is to help the UK’s professional services sector understand the real potential of AI, explore where best to implement it and be ready for the consequences. AI Readiness: A collaborative design toolkit for professional services firms offers a significant step in that direction.
The AI Readiness collaborative design toolkit journey
The AI Readiness Book
Our Methods
The methods, tools and templates that make up the design sprint are available to download below. There is a logic to this order, certainly in the context of the complete design sprint process, and it was successfully pioleted with professional services firms across the UK. The first method is designated ‘M0’ simply because it is used ahead of the design sprint itself. The different methods include the relevant tools and templates that can be adaped to specific ffirm needs and for online-only or hybrid situations.
Charlotta Cederqvist
Head of Business Development
Law Society of Scotland
"The toolkit explores options for using AI combining a great mix of academic and practical insight."
Bob Booth
Cognitive Process Reengineering Lead,
"As a Chartered Accountant I found the AI toolkit to provide practical steps for professional services firms to allow them to asses and introduce technologies that can deliver real value to the client and the practice."
Louise Thomas
Head of Transformation and Project Management
Burges Salmon LLP
"The scenarios in the toolkit helped us with strategy planning and broadened our horizons beyond what was in front of us."
Tony Randall
"The scenario modelling workshop is a must for any law firm (or indeed any professional services firm) that intends to take AI seriously – and, let’s face it, that should be every firm. Whether your AI strategy is already well-developed or completely embryonic, the materials and methodology will stimulate really useful discussion among your team and quickly demonstrate that there is more to think about than you ever realised."
Dave Bloor
Chief Technology Officer
Foot Anstey
"Our goal was to have clear initiatives identified and prioritised for use of AI within our data strategy. The sprint session enabled exactly this in a highly collaborative, imaginative and progressive approach that bought people together from all across the business and left the room buzzing with ideas, energy and clear priorities that are of real value to our clients and business."
Victoria Purtill
Director of Authorisation and Supervision
Cilex Regulation
“The design sprint methodology set out in the AI Readiness toolkit allowed us to successfully convene a large range of stakeholders to explore the vast opportunities available to the sector through the more effective application of AI and data."
Becky Shields
Moore Kingston Smith
"This book provides a structured approach for accountants and other professionals looking to get ahead in terms of their AI readiness.”
Chris Bull
Executive Board Member
GL Law
"Professionals, and especially the ‘next generation’ leaders, will find the toolkit thought-provoking, challenging and valuable."
Stuart Whittle
Director of Business Services and Innovation
Weightmans LLP
"The methodologies in the AI Readiness toolkit are extremely useful in shaping and testing innovation strategies."