
News on the Beer Hunter’s Ongoing Legacy and Influence

Article (2017) on Brewdog including Michael’s influence on the founders: ‘Upon tasting the beer, he told them to quit their jobs and go into brewing full time. And that’s exactly what they did.’: https://signalvnoise.com/posts/2941-brewdogs-fight-against-big-brand-beer-monotony

Article (2017) from Celebrator Beer News Megazine: Remembering Michael Jackson ten years later : https://www.celebrator.com/memoriam-michael-jackson-2017/

Beer writer’s tributes to Michael Jackson, an article (2017) from Beer Today: https://beertoday.co.uk/beer-writers-michael-jackson-0817/

Issue of Brewery History dedicated to Michael Jackson: http://www.breweryhistory.com/journal/archive/139/index.html

Michael Jackson and the invention of beer styles - Martyn Cornell 23/10/10

Michael Jackson: The beer writer who changed the world - Ted Child 25/06/19

Monumental: Remembering Michael Jackson's impact on Belgian beer ten years after his death - Breandán Kearney 30/08/17

The Michael Jackson Foundation for Brewing and Distilling: https://www.themjf.org/

Trailer for the Beer Hunter film 2013: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeerHunterMovie