This site was designed to help teachers to collaborate with one another during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal is to create equity across New York State by sharing resources and ideas for distance learning. More specifically, we want to answer as many teacher-generated questions about online classroom instructional platforms and content delivery so we can empower teachers to feel confident during this difficult time.


Use the link here to complete a Google Form that we will use to answer your question. Be as specific as possible with your question so that we can generate the best possible answer for you.


Below are the answers we have provided teachers so far. Feel free to access any video responses that you may be interested in below and remember to share your question(s) that you would like addressed.

Is it possible to add videos in to your google classroom using programs such as Loom to display your face as well as your screen?

Is there a way to archive the older assignments, so that kids don't have to search through a long list of things to find current information?

Besides posting a video of yourself teaching a lesson, how else do you deliver your instruction to students and/or make it more engaging?

Any ideas for writing on a web page without creating a ton of PDF's of the pages?

How do you deliver instruction of new concepts in a concise way but then support students who are struggling to apply this new knowledge to a wide variety of problems?

I'm struggling to find good virtual labs that aren't videos, but are actual lab simulations. Any suggestions?

Is there a way to turn off notifications from "comments" for students in Google Classroom? I want to limit the emails my students are receiving so they can easily locate important emails.

How can we help to equip our students with missing information, without overwhelming them and their family during this unique "learning situation"?

Video #9- Accessibility

What types of technology tools do we use to teach on a daily basis? Have you found any great tools that really help you?

Video #10- Websites

This video slide show highlights a variety of websites to use during instruction that can be utilized across disciplines and grade levels.

Video #11- Gradebooks

What are some things you need to consider when making a gradebook and setting up your classes?