For Students

Try to remember to uphold the "3 R's" every day. It's everybody's aim to be a better learner, student, community member and friend to Tamarac. To the right, we break down what each of those 3 R's mean.

Expectations for all classes.pdf

What does Mr. O mean by the "3 R's"?

Click on image to enlarge

These are the computer OR mobile apps that we will often use this year.

Be sure you use your "" username, so you can participate and get credit!

If you have a phone you can use any of these platforms - however a computer will do! All you need is internet.

You MUST be familiar with these apps and learning platforms:

Google Classroom

This is our "home-base"; all announcements, discussions, assignments and grades will be posted here



This is where our video assignments will be posted. I can monitor your progress and give you feedback, too!



Sometimes it's just too hard to write our answers out - here, you can plan, practice and record your answers to turn in



To help review and re-enforce vocab, key terms and main ideas



A fun way to test yourself on the material BEFORE you take the big test! Compete against other classmates or just yourself.


Google Hangouts / Meet

Another way to contact Mr. O. If we can't be in the classroom - we will check-in using Google Meet.
