Parents & Guardians


Important dates for 2023

Costs & Support

Unfortunately, rowing is an increasingly expensive sport and this section outlines the rationale behind the charges that we have to make for events as well as giving some pointers towards sources of funding to support those rowers with international aspirations. Whilst accepting that rowing is expensive it must be stressed that we are always looking for ways to reduce costs wherever possible without compromising the safety and integrity of our trialling process.

Charges for events

We receive no funding for our trials and assessments so these have to be run on a break-even basis with the charges for attendees covering the costs that we are charged. For example, for a residential event the costs will include use of the facilities both on and off the water (hire of the lake and meeting rooms, water safety cover, boat racking etc), provision of medical and physio services as well as food and accommodation.

It would be wonderful if there were no charges to be made to the rowers for trialling and competing but as outlined above there are costs to trial in the Beach Sprint system and as a guide to help in your financial planning the charges for last season are listed below.


The Trials Management Group of the GBRT Beach Sprint Trials believe that the welfare and wellbeing of all participants are paramount, whether as competitors or as spectators and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practise reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and British Rowing requirements. It acknowledges that everyone, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, or socio-economic background, has equal rights to safety and protection and that special measures are required to protect children and young people and Adults at Risk. 

At each event we will publish the name of the safeguarding lead and a number to call in case of any issues.

If you have any safeguarding issues you wish to report, please follow this link to the Safeguarding page on the British Rowing website.

Parental consent forms

For each residential event, an information circular will be sent to all rowers which includes a link to the parental consent form. This MUST be completed before your child can attend the activity. Parental consent forms are online Google forms and will be used to cover each event.


Each rower is required to have a valid British Rowing or Scottish Rowing membership to trial and race in the Beach Sprint programme. 

British Rowing membership gives the rower a ClubHub account, as does the British Rowing Scottish & Overseas membership used for GB trials entries for Scottish Rowing members.

We are aware that in some schools, membership may be arranged by the school. If you are unsure whether your child has a current membership please check with your coach or the GBRT Office. Please do not purchase new memberships without checking first as each membership has a unique ID. 

If a rower is selected to attend a camp or competition, GBRT may request that information detailing emergency contacts, allergies, dietary requirements and passport details are uploaded to the rower's ClubHub account. Please only update the GBRT section of ClubHub if you have been asked to do so by the GBRT Office.

If you cannot access ClubHub:

Please do not set up a new membership/ClubHub account if you are unable to log in. All rowers will already have an account set up and each rower's membership unique membership ID is used for trials and recording race data. If you are having issues accessing the rower's ClubHub account, please contact

If the account has been set up by the school:

Some schools will set up memberships on behalf of rowers when they first start rowing. This may mean that rowers/parents/guardians may not have access to log into the account. If this is the case please contact and the membership contact can be updated.

Guidance on how to update ClubHub can be accessed below.

Supporting great britain at events

The Great Britain Rowing Team are always lucky to have wonderful support at all of our events.

If your child is selected and you want to travel to support, here are some things below to be aware of:

If you would like your child to travel back from an event with you and not with the team you must agree to the following statements:


Click here to go to the Membership and Insurance page to find out more.