The Great, The Bold and The Brave

Year 3

Reading - Here comes Hercules

We read Here comes Hercules by Stella Tarakson as part of our focus on ancient Greece and Mythology. We found it hilarious to read about Hercules causing chaos in the modern world, while trying to be a hero. The text forms part of a springboard into writing a non-chronological report about ancient Athens as well as our narrative writing piece later in the term.

Writing - Non chronological Report

As part of our exploration into the lives of the Ancient Greeks, we wrote a non-chrological report on the experiences of the ancient Athenians. Before planning and writing our reports we used our chromebooks to research as much as we could.


We have done a lot of artwork as part of our investigation into the lives of the Ancient Greeks. Below, you can see examples of our Greek vases we made using paper mache and theatre masks.

Here is a selection of masks in the style of those worn in ancient Greek theatre performances. Can you tell those designed for a tragedy from those for comedies?

Hercules' 13th Labour - Writing a Narrative

We have been exploring Ancient Grecian Mythology and in particular Hercules' 12 labours. After coming to school one morning to discover our classrooms had been turned upside down by Hercules himself, we decided to write our own stories.

After investigating all possible reasons for our classrooms being tipped upside down, we discovered this note from Hercules. It turned out he had actually come to school to visit his friend, Tim (who we have been reading about in Guided Reading).

Hercules was going to share details about a 13th labour set for him but as we never discovered what it was, we decided to make up our own stories based on what it might have been.

You can see the stages we went through to create our stories below...

We worked collaboratively to generate ideas for a 13th labour before choosing one we liked to begin planning and writing independently.

We used the 'zone of relevance' target board to help us to think of and select suitable vocabulary to describe the characters in our stories.

Once we had written our stories, we turned our stories into animations...enjoy!