Arts Week

Year 3

Camille Walala

With colour being at the heart of this year's Arts Festival, we looked at a contemporary female artist: Camille Walala. Born in France she now lives in London and her work can be seen all over the city from Canary Wharf to Shoreditch.

Using her work as a reference we explored how colours can be mixed to create secondary colours, how colours contrast and complement each other and the impact of geometric shapes in art. We took inspiration from her artwork to decorate the frames for our poems.

Colour Mixing

Above is a collection of some of the wonderful colours created by the children when they experimented with primary and secondary colours . It was inspiring to see so many children able to create new and amazing shades. The names that the children came up with to name their new colours was creative and impressive.

Mood boards

We learnt about how colours can be used to express people's emotions and feelings. Using many different materials, including magazine cuttings, tissue paper, yarn, and more, we were able to work in groups and create a mood board to express an emotion that we had agreed upon. This allowed us to collaborate and develop our skills of communication.

Above is a selection of some of the mood boards that were created. Each colour represents a different emotion.

We had the opportunity to learn how animations were created. Working in groups we needed to draw our characters and then the setting for our story. We needed to keep in mind that we would need to make the characters move when we filmed the story, frame-by-frame. We also added speech bubbles to allow our characters to speak in our animation.

The carousel of pictures shows how we all had to work together to make the characters and film everything step by step to make our animation work.