Year 3

Teacher challenge

Air Pressure Experiment


Materials Experiment


Show us what you get up to...

In Year 3 we are looking at magnets and the forces they create. Below is a video of some experiments you can test out with the packs we have provided. Follow the instructions below and create the pyramid structure you see in the video.

You can share any photos or videos of what you get up to on Class Dojo.

Experiments to try at home

Plant art

We would like you to create your own beautiful drawing of a plant. Draw a detailed sketch of a plant that you have at home or search for an image of one that you really like.

Upload a video talking about your plant using the flipgrid link above.



Have a look at the amazing volcano Jack created last year when he was in Year 3. Can you create your own using the instructions below.

Click on the link above to share your home learning with us. You can also find a link in Google Classroom.