Book Week

Year 1

During Book week, children practiced reading for pleasure. We explored different types of books, fiction and non-fiction books. 

During book week we explored the picture book ‘Why water's worth it’. The story took us on a journey of clean water around us, how it's managed, and the importance of everyone working together to protect it.

The Year 1 children then used their skills of holding a sentence  to write about the  story.  We  looked  at different parts of the  story  and wrote sentences about them.

In Drama, we learnt a new word 'environment' and acted out it's meaning. We used actions to show different envrionments. Using the 5 W's (Who, What, When, Where, Why?), we were able to reenact the envrionments we discussed.  

For D&T we learnt about book covers, we looked at features of a book cover and understood all book covers have a title, illustrator and pictures. We then had a go at designing our own !