

In  our Topic 'Made For Life'  we have been learning all about our physical health and how to stay fit and healthy. We learnt about healthy eating, making sure we stay active and how exercise can be fun, about the importance of dental health and road safety.  

The children played a range of group games, team sports and partner games. Practiced their throwing and catching skills, as well as developing their running, dodging and balancing.


We learnt the  'Super Cat's Road Safety Rap' to remember the important steps of crossing a road safely.

"Super Cat’s here so say ‘meow’! 

Want to cross roads, safely? I’ll tell you how!

 First, you stop and look from side-to-side.

 Then you listen and think; that’s the Super Cat guide! "

We also learnt about healthy eating and made our own fruit salad using a selection of fruits that we had to cut up into pieces.

We learnt about the importance of brushing our teeth, and learnt a step by step guide.