A Better World

Year 3

We started the theme with a lesson on how decisions are made at school. One of our class teachers, Jack (who is head of PE in the school) opened up Sports ambassador applications to Year 3 this year and we were all offered an opportunity to apply. This highlighted the importance of taking on a responsibility within the school and we were able to reflect on how we can help to better our school community.

The text that we studied for this theme was The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We focused on the ecological themes raised in this book.

Our focus for the three weeks was sustainable transport. We looked at the different modes of transport that we use every day to get into school and then students made a poster at home about air pollution.

We researched facts about the dangers of CO2 emissions in Newham, brainstormed improvements we would like to see and combined all this into letters that we wrote to Sadiq Khan. Below are some snapshots of our published pieces of work.