Into The Woods

Year 1

Throughout the course of this topic, we have been learning about woods. We have learnt about the different types of plants and trees which can be found in the woods. In addition to this, we have identified the various types of animals and minibeasts found within the woods. In English, we have explored the woods as a setting and read books which feature the woodlands. We have really enjoyed reading the Gruffalo. At the end of our ‘Into the Woods’ topic, we also visited Thorndon Country Park to explore the woodland area and participate in a Gruffalo trail.


In English we made a story map of the Gruffalo, we then used actions to help us remember the beginning, middle and end. After this we had the opportunity to innovate our story we changed the characters in a bear and a wolf !


We visited the Discover Children’s Story Centre and participated in a fairy tale workshop. We explored different ways in which ideas can be brought together to create a fairy tale. We used the equipment and roleplay areas featured within the centre to support our creativity. 

Science & Art

We have been learning about minibeasts and collages. First we learned about Minibeasts and how they do not have an internal skeleton but some do have an exoskeleton. We learned the names of some of the minibeasts and we learned about where they might live. In Art we learned what a collage is and created our own collage using our fingertips to create minibeasts.


We have learned about the importance of plants to us as humans. At first the children identified the parts of a plant, including the roots, stem, leaves and flower. We then talked about how plants are useful in medicine, hygiene and for food. We even grew our own healthy cress!


We went on an educational visit to Thorndon Park to explore the Gruffalo trail. We met the characters from the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ and participated in different woodland activities linked to the story. Some of the activities included creating our own snakes using leaves, pretending to be squirrels coming down trees and also making houses for a mouse using sticks.



In D&T, we learnt about how humans use plants. we used our knowledge to create salads from different plants (vegetable) and even included some cress that we grew ourselves!


In D&T, we learnt about minibeasts homes and junk modelling. Using our knowledge of where minibeasts live, We made minibeast hotels for our favourite minibeasts.