A Better World

Year 1

In our Better World topic, we focused our learning on water and its importance to not just our own lives, but those of animals, and other humans around the world. We also learnt about the water cycle and where the water we depend on comes from. Understanding its importance allowed us to discuss the moral and ethical obligations we have to conserve and protect the water of our planet from waste and pollution.

In science we learnt about the different stages of the water cycle. We learnt how sunshine evaporates water and when the vapor cools, they fall back on earth as rain, snow and hail. We used drama to show these different stages.

During our conversations  about water, we identified different ways we use  water  in our everyday lives and compared  them to how animals use water too.

We looked out water pollution and compared clean and polluted water and the effects it an have on us and animals.


We discussed why hotter countries would perhaps want more rainfall. We then looked at the history and purpose of rain shakers in South America before creating our own using various materials. Finally, we took turns to perform music with our rain shakers.


In Geography we explored our environment to see how we use water around us. Here is what we found...

In Computing we used our photograpghy skills to capture pictures on the Ipad. We then took a trip to the Docks and took pictures of pollution in our local area.

Year 1 held a sponsered fun run to raise money for the charity 'Joy for Humanity'. As part of our topic ‘A Better World’, we wanted to make a difference to the world and support countries who really need our help. With the help of our parents, we were able to raise £___. With the money we raised, we were able to help a school in Uganda recieve running water in their school! Thank you for the support!

The children also created bracelets to help fundraise for 'Joy for Humanaity'. We made comparisons to how we use water and discusses the gratitude we feel for the water we have.


Thank you for coming and supporting us during our fun run!