Bright Sparks

Year 5


The Official Guide to an MI6 Spy 

In class we have also been publishing our very own Spy handbook inspired by the book Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. Our Spy handbook contained the crucial information needed to become a spy for the prestigious Military Intelligence. We did endless research on the important skills and knowledge needed to become a spy to create our very own official guide to the MI6. 

When creating our Spy handbook, there were many linguistic features that we needed to understand, for example, understanding the difference between active and passive voice and creating a research bank that will support us when creating our official guide. We had fun experimenting with different layout features. Examples of this included, using bullet points, colons, semi colons and more. 


Alex Rider : Stormbreaker

In English, we were able to create meaningful poems where our inspiration was the book Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. Using features like 'Show not Tell' and personification allowed us to really explore the purpose of poetry and apply this to create our wonderful poems. It was a great opportunity for children to understand poetry but also explore their creativity and use this to aid their writing. 

Our drama was inspired by the story and we were definitely able to consider how our bodies, voice and movement affects our performance. During this time, we developed our collaboration skills and worked together to create a piece of drama to successfully generate ideas for our poem.


Jacob Lawrence and the Great Migration

We have been learning all about globalisation and reflecting on the positives and negatives of globalisation including fairtrade. Our understanding of fair trade has allowed us to learn in greater depth, the hardships and difficulties that countries have to go through to make a living. This has allowed us to research Jacob Lawrene and the impact that he had on American people during the Great Migration. Did you know that Lawrence created around sixty paintings based on the movement of people across the Northern States in order to achieve a better life? 

We definitely did a great job at replicating the famous paintings by Jacob Lawrence!


The history of ice-cream

For our topic lesson, we have been learning about the history of changes in how ice-cream is made. We were able to successfully explain the important Nancy Johnson and discussed how the production of ice crem has changed over time. 

We even had a go at making our own ice-cream! We used an unconventional approach to create ice-cream using condensed milk, double cream and vanilla extract. We used bags of ice to freeze our ice-cream using a cold stone approach. The difficult part was manually churning the cream, however, it was safe to say, that the ice-cream was delicious!

The Revolutionary Innovator

 Steve Jobs

As part of our Bright Sparks topic, it was important for us to learn about an innovation that changed the world of technology. Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple, was an inspiration for many and his legacy remains to this day. The apple devices are all around the world, from IPhones and IPads to IMacs and Apple watches. We were able to research the evolution of Apple and create wonderful timelines depicting our knowledge. 


Gears, Levers and Pulleys

In Science, we were able to learn all about gears, levers and pulleys. We were able to describe what pulleys are and how they have changed over time and build our own pulley system using this to lift differently weighted loads. Comparing how pulleys have changed over time allowed us to observe just how much technology has changed over time!

After successfully understanding how gears work, we were the able to create our own pulley system. Pulleys were first used to be for drawing water from a well. The oldest pulley systen were thought to date back to the 12th dynasty and belongs to the Ancient Egytians. Did you know that the pulley system was thought to have been used to construct the famous Pyramids of Giza? 

Medical Inventions

The history of medical aids

The evolution of technology has been mind-blowing! However, the use of technology isn't just how we see it through devices and the latest gadgets. The history of technology has also impacted the medical industry as well. Through the latest modern technology, inventors have been able to create medical devices that are still used to this day to aid people. For example, wheelchairs, crutches, heart monitor and so many more!

It was important for us to be able to recognise how medical innovations have changed the way we live and just how much the medical industry has evolved. For this reason, we were able to have a go at creating our own piece of medical aids using clay to demonstrate medical advancement. 

For our Bright Sparks workshop, we were even able to invite our lovely parents to have a go at creating their own medical inventions as well. 

Science Museum 

A perfect end to an amazing topic!

Our Bright Sparks topic has allowed Year 5 to understand just how much inventions have changed the world we live in. For this reason, we went on an amazing trip to the Science Museum, where the children were able to see just how much technology has changed, even through gaming!

We were also able to see how far medical inventions have changed over time and how different inventions support and protect people from different illnesses. 

Our Trip Summary 

After our spectacular trip, we created a report based on what we loved about the Science Museum. It was a great opportunity for children to reflect on the trip and understanding the connections that the Science Museum had with our topic Bright Sparks. 

Religious Education 

Our trip to Masjid Ibrahim

In Religious Education, we have been learning all about Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). Our trip to the Masjid Ibrahim Islamic Centre has allowed us to gain an insight into the religion of Islam and understand the way of life. We were able to learn all about the five pillars of Islam and we were even able to try some of the foods mentioned in the Quran. This trip was really interesting and we were able to develop our learning of Islam