
Year 1

During Made 4 Life week we made our own delicious salad wraps. We first discussed what a salad is and why it is good for you. We then discussed what we would need to put in our salad. After that we chopped up some vegetables to create our scrumptious salad wrap.

At the start of the week we took part in our personal best challenge to run a lap around Lyle Park in the fastest time they could. Children had 2 chances to run the race to beat their times from before. Children experienced this race last year and will continue to take part throughout their time at school to challenge themselves to beat their time or distance from the previous year.

We tasted a variety of fruits and vegetables as part of Made for Life week. We discussed what the fruits/veg looked like and described what they tasted and felt like. We then talked about which ones we enjoyed tasting the most and which ones we least liked. It was fun trying some new vegetables that we hadn’t tried before!

We took part in a Mini Olympics where we competed in throwing, running and jumping events. We competed in speed bounce, relay, vortex throw, chest push and dribbling and shooting into a hockey goal. To help us complete the events some ex students who now attend Oasis helped us to learn and compete.