

During Investigate fortnight Reception have transformed from children..... into scientists! We have been learning about the seasons Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer and the changes that happen in each season and in which months of the year these changes happen. We focused on using our phonics to write words about the seasons.  We have also been learning about Plants; the parts of a plant, the life cycle and what it needs to survive and grow. We will be conducting an experiment and learn how to make predictions on what might happen if we put food colouring in the plant’s water.

 In Maths we have been continuing to learn about 2D shapes. We have been learning to describe 2D shapes; how many sides and corners they have and their similarities and differences. We also created different pictures using 2D shapes.  We have also been  learning about positional language and how to use it to give and follow directions. We have learnt language such as under, over, next to and behind alongside several others.