Investigate Week

Year 1

We have been learning about everyday materials and identifying objects made out of metal, plastic, wood, paper and fabric. We identified objects and the materials they were made from and then searched our classroom for different objects and their respective materials. Then, we learnt that when describing different objects and their materials, we call this ‘properties’. We looked at foil, for example, and realised that it was shiny and light. Once we had a good understanding of different materials, we sorted them into different categories. For example, rough, light, heavy and soft.

BV Whole Year Group Concrete Concept Map

To introduce our topic, we familiarised ourselves with materials used within our everyday lives and created this concrete concept map. We identified objects that we found within the school and matched them to their materials. We used a combination of physical objects and images to complete this task.

In today’s science lesson, we were learning about everyday materials and identifying objects made out of metal, plastic, wood, paper and fabric. We identified objects and the materials they were made from and then searched our classroom for different objects and their respective materials. Then, we learnt that when describing different objects and their materials, we call this ‘properties’. We looked at foil, for example, and realised that it was shiny and light. Once we had a good understanding of different materials, we sorted them into different categories. For example, rough, light, heavy and soft.

We learnt what floating and sinking was. We looked at particular objects being exposed to water and discussed why it might sink. Equally, we identified objects that can float and understood the reasons why they float. We expanded our scientific knowledge by learning about density and how it can impact a ship's ability to float or sink. This then led us to investigate and identify objects from around the classroom to determine which ones will sink and which will float. 

During this lesson, we conducted our own experiment to see which objects would float and which objects would sink. We learnt that floating is when an object is able to stay on the surface of the water. We also learnt that sinking occurs when an object cannot stay afloat and travels to the bottom of the water. We predicted which objects would float or sink and completed an observation by watching to see which object floated or sank. After our experiment we shared what we found with our class. 

Waterproof and non waterproof materials

We have been learning about waterproof and non-waterproof materials.  We needed to identify what materials would allow water to get through and which ones did not.  With our partners we were able to discuss the properties of many different materials to identify if they are waterproof or not. Then, we sorted objects according to the material that they were made of as this allowed us to determine if they  were waterproof or non-waterproof.  After we had done this, we were tasked to write a sentence explaining why an object was waterproof or not depending on the material it was made from. Eventually, we were taught two new scientific words to extend our knowledge of waterproof and non-waterproof: permeable and impermeable.

Waterproof shelter

We have been learning about materials that are waterproof and non waterproof. We classified materials into each group and discussed which materials are suitable to build a waterproof shelter. We designed our shelter and created it using materials such as plastic bags, foil and cardboard. Have a look at some of the waterproof shelters we created!

We later used our learned knowledge and chose different waterproof materials to build a waterproof shelter. Once we completed our shelters, we reviewed our shelters on their design and whether they were water proof or not.

We used our cross-curricular learning of English and science to learn a new word for our ‘Word of the Week’ lesson. During week 1, we were taught an unfamiliar word. ‘Meteorologist’.  We used this word to understand the weather more and to learn the importance of a meteorologist in relation to weather.  Please view some of our sentences below.

Investigate week 2

We have been learning about renewable energy. In particular, wind power and solar energy. We have created windmills and described how solar energy can be extremely beneficial for us. For our second week, we learnt all about camouflage and identified key characteristics that animals have which humans do not have. We realised that even superheroes often use these animal characteristics as inspiration for their superpowers.

As part of Investigate Week, we watched a science magic show. We learnt how to make a circuit using our bodies and a watt battery. We also learnt about static electricity. It was really fun to see all the magic!

In today’s D&T lesson, we created our own windmill using sticks, card and pony beads. We even tested our windmills outside as there was a little wind today even though it was a sunny day.

In Topic, we have been learning about ways that wind power can be used in a positive way. Today we learnt about the dangers of wind in our local area and around the world. We watched footage of and discussed storms, cyclones and tornadoes. We then practised an emergency drill as a class to learn how to keep safe in the event of a wind disaster.

We have been learning about different types of wind power during Investigate week. We composed our own music using a variety of instruments to represent the sounds of different storms.

Today we created a camouflage mask to blend in somewhere around the world. We discussed what colours and patterns we needed to help us blend into our surroundings. We took inspiration from animals who use camouflage to keep themselves safe. We designed and created our mask before testing it by using it to blend into the background - Can you see us? Finally we evaluated our design to see how effective it was.

Today as part of our Investigate week, we learnt more about camouflage. We looked at different ways that animals can camouflage themselves and discussed why they do this. We then looked in the playground and eco garden to find a good place where an animal could camouflage itself. We were then able to colour our chameleon and place it in the eco garden or around the school/playground to see if it was camouflaged.