
This piece of homework was created by Zirui in Chusan. She created a fact file using Adobe Spark to present her findings.

Zirui has continued to build a bank of amazing facts on all aspects of Ancient Egyptian life.


Romeo site-converted.pdf
Egyptian Myths - Ra.pptx

As part of Romeo's learning he created this brilliant Topic site, using his ICT skills and his knowledge of the Ancient Egyptian. Click the button above to see all that he has being learning.


Here is Anika's amazing Egyptian dress, made from tissue paper, card and some beautiful gems. Brilliant work.


Egyptian Myths

As part of Dasha's learning she completed research into Ancient Egyptian Myths and presented her finding in a brilliant Google Slide. Check out all the amazing facts she found out.


Seraj has used his ICT skills to develop this amazing Adobe Spark presentation looking at Egyptian Myths. Play the video to see all that he has learned.


The Girl Who Wore Red Slippers

Zahra has create this amazing presentation on a story about an Egyptian myth about a young girl who was tormented by others due to the colour of her eyes and hair.


Balys has conducted research on some of the most famous Egyptian Gods, looking at the myths and fable surrounding their achievements.

cleopatra life
old Egypt myths


Vedika completed some excellent home based on the life and time of the Great Cleopatra. Have a read of her wonderful diary.


Ancient Egypt

Sara created a great slideshow presentation describing her highlights of our topic. She even wrote down the detailed steps for mummification!