Quick Links for Teachers

Listed below are come Quick Links for Teachers

A new online professional development platform is being used for the 2019-2020 school year. Please view these short videos before attempting to create your account.

After watching the above videos, create your account at opsrc.nextthought.com/ Remember to use your school email account and choose Bristow as your district. Choose Edison as your school if you don't have a specific building you work in. Unless you are an administrator, you DO NOT need your teacher certification number, just leave that portion blank. Administrators will need their certification number.

After watching the videos and creating your account, you will need to complete the following courses; Bloodborne Pathogens, Alcohol and Drug Awareness, Bullying Prevention, FERPA, Child Abuse, Hazardous Communications, Dyslexia, Digital Teaching and Learning, Workplace Safety training (7 th -12 th grade teachers), and Autism (PK-3 rd grade teachers, once every 3 years). Additionally, you will need Bristow Public Schools Board Policies and Bristow Internet Usage Agreement. They are located in a tab at the bottom of the course list page titled Additional Bristow PS Required PD, not in the certified or support course list with the others.

All Bristow Public School employees and substitutes must create an account and complete all courses by September 30, 2019.

School Dude Click below for tutorial on how to login or sign up

How To Use School Dude