Reading Counts

Reading Counts is a reading program used by Bristow Middle School. Students read books and take multiple choice tests to assess their understanding. Tests may be taken in the child's classroom or in the Middle School Media Center.

Reading Counts Million Word Contest

Students who read a half million words by November 30 are eligible to go an OKC Thunder basketball game. If a student reads 1 million words by April 23 they will be eligible to participate Mystery Field Trip. Please encourage your children to read and take quizzes. Studies have shown that the more kids read, the better they perform in school.

Helping your Middle Schooler Gain Success with Reading Counts

If students are having a hard time passing quizzes here are a few options:

* read shorter books

The library has a shelf of books that are at a fourth grade reading

level or above but around 42 pages.

* find audio books through the public library

When kids can listen to the story and read at the same time, it helps both their speed and comprehension

* expect them to read for at least 20 minutes daily

Setting an expectation for reading daily keeps them on target

* ask questions about the books they are reading

If they can tell you the plot and characters, they probably understand the story

Scholastic Reading Counts Link

This link takes you to the official Reading Counts site where you can search for books. We do not guarantee that we have all the quizzes that Reading Counts offers but if we do not have a quiz you may be able to find it in the public library

Scholastic Reading Counts