Elizabeth Cundari

Elizabeth Cundari

PLTW DE Digital Electronics

PLTW CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing

PLTW IED Introduction to Engineering Design

PLTW EDD Engineering Design and Development

Fundamentals of Engineering 1

Fundamentals of Engineering 2

Fundamentals of Engineering 3

Onshape Certified

Club in charge of: 

Women in Engineering and Their Allies

Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ1Njk1NTY4NTM4?cjc=ebugpzn 

Harry S Truman High School 

6401 Mill Creek Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 | Phone 215-943-3200 | Fax 215-949-8889

Bristol Township School District

Contact information:


267-599-2070 ext: 5172

Instagram (Professional account) @Mrs.Cundari