Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School 

Spring Term 2024

Welcome back!  It is an absolute pleasure to welcome all our children back after Christmas.  The children had a fantastic last half term in the build up to Christmas, taking part in lots of fun Christmas activities.  It was a jam packed term with plenty of trips such as Eden Camp and Treak Cliff Cavern, and lots of sporting activities on top of the Christmas fun.

We did a great job raising money for Children In Need, Christmas Jumper Day and the Snowflake Appeal - we are so proud of the children for all their fantastic efforts and wanting to get involved.  

Thank you for your continued support.

Christmas in Foundation

Children in Foundation Stage had lots of Christmas fun!

The children had the chance to write a letter to Santa and went to the post box to post their letters themselves.

Foundation Stage 2 were also invited to take part in the Christingle Service at St Andrew's Church, which meant they had to learn how to make Christingles before they visited the service.  The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Christingle.

We want to say a massive thank you to Tesco in Rotherham for donating oranges for all of the children, and to Ruth at St John's with St Mary's in Mansfield for donating the candles and ribbon for the Christingles. 

Dib and Dab's Christmas Remix Show

Dip and Dab visited children from Foundation Stage 1 to Year 3 for their Christmas Remix Show.

The show was very entertaining and interactive, with children and staff being invited up to take part in fun activities with the chance to win prizes!

Thank you to John Bell at Learners Trust for organising funding to enable us to offer this free of charge.

The Friends of Whitehill

The Friends of Whitehill organised some great activities to help raise money for Sheffield Children's Hospital 'Snowflake Appeal' and to help raise funds for school.

Our Christmas Shop and Winter Fayre were very busy and helped raise £600 to cover the cost of a Snowflake at Sheffield Children's Hospital. Throughout school, children got to make their own crafts to sell at the Winter Fayre to help raise the money for the Snowflake.

Paint A Pot was as busy as ever, and the children and their gown-ups that attended had fun decorating festive ornaments.

In the last week of term, children also got to enjoy their Christmas Disco!

Museum of the Moon

In November, some of our children took part in drama activities as part of the Museum of the Moon exhibition at Rotherham Minster. 

The Museum of the Moon was inspired by Luke Jerram when living in Bristol and noticing the huge tidal variation as he cycled over the Avon Cut each dayThe massive 23 metre wide, high resolution image used to create the moon artwork, was created by the Astrogeology Science Centre in the USA. The imagery was taken by a NASA satellite carrying the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera launched in 2010. 

Boom Reader

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to Boom Reader.

We are challenging children to read 3 times a week.  Children who complete this challenge will go into a prize draw for a £5 voucher.  

Diary Dates 

Tuesday 30th January - KS1 Reading Afternoon with Parents/Carers (2:45pm)

Wednesday 31st January - Foundation Stage Reading afternoon with Parents/Carers (2:40pm)

Thursday 1st February - Inset Day/Parent Consultations

Monday 5th February - Y3/4 Viking Day

Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February - Y6 SATS Parent/Carer Meeting (3:15pm)

Wednesday 7th February - Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics

Friday 9th February - Break Up for Half Term

Monday 19th February - Return to School

Wednesday 21st-Friday 23rd February -Y5/6 Newby Wiske Hall Residential

Tuesday 5th March - Y1/2 Trip to Magna

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day

Tuesday 12th March - Y3/4 Easter Service at Church 

Friday 15th March - Comic Relief

Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th March - First Aid Training for Children and Parents/Carers

Tuesday 19th March - Royal Navy Visit for Y5/6

Tuesday 26th March - Easter Disco

Thursday 28th March - Break Up for Easter Holidays

Monday 15th April - Return to School

All dates are available under the 'Calendar' section of the school website.