Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School 

Summer Term 2023

We are all rested and refreshed and are making the most of the new school term.

There were lots of exciting activities that the children participated in last term and we are looking forward to another very busy school term, with lots more for the children to get involved with.

We are so proud of Mrs Holmes who completed the Manchester Marathon on 16th April raising over £1,000.00 for Rotherham Hospice. 

We have had another term of amazing fundraising efforts for some very deserving causes.

The children have helped raise money for Red Nose Day and Forget Me Not Day/International Women's Day.

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Friends of Whitehill who have donated some new playground equipment for school play times.

This wouldn't be possible without the fundraising activities that are run in school.

We would love to see as many people as possible at the upcoming Bingo night on Thursday 18th May, organised by Friends of Whitehill to help raise even more money for school resources. It is a fantastic evening and all for a good cause.   You can sign up to attend by following the link below - have your dabbers at the ready!  

Thank you for your continued support.

The children have all had a very busy term, with Greek Day for Y3 and Y4, Science Week and plenty of Easter activities.

We look forward to another jam-packed term before a well deserved summer break.

Diary Dates 

Friday 5th May - King's Coronation Day

Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday for the King's Coronation

w/c 8th May - Y6 SATS Week

Friday 12th May - Y6 Colour Run

Tuesday 16th May - Visit from Wonderdome for FS2-Y6

Tuesday 16th May - Foundation Stage Open Afternoon (3:30-4:15pm)

Thursday 18th May - Census Day

Thursday 18th May - Friends of Whitehill Bingo

Friday 26th May - Break Up for Half Term

Monday 5th June - Return to School

w/c 5th June - Y4 Multiplication Check

Tuesday 6th June - F2 Eye Tests

Thursday 8th June - KS1 Trip to Abbey House Museum

w/c Monday 12th June - KS1 Phonics Screening Week

Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st June - Y5/6 WPT Residential at Cranworth Road

Thursday 22nd June - Y3/4 Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Wednesday 28th June - Inset Day

Thursday 29th June - Y6 WPT Prom

Thursday 6th July - The Pomegranate Seeds Production 

Friday 14th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly

w/c 17th July - Y6 Transition to Brinsworth Academy

Friday 21st July - School Closes at 1pm