Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School 

Autumn Term 2023

Welcome back!

It is an absolute pleasure to welcome all our children back after the summer break. The children have made a positive start to the new year and we have been really impressed with their attitudes to learning. 

We have a very busy school term ahead, with lots for the children to get involved with.

Breakfast and Tea Club

Children in Breakfast and Tea Club have had lots of fun doing lots of craft acitivities before the summer holidays.

Mrs Griffiths has helped the children make pompoms, hammer bead decorations, and much more.

Breakfast Club is a great way for children to get prepared for the school day and Tea Club is a nice way for children to unwind at the end of a school day.  

Cross-Country Running

Some children in year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time at Abbey School representing school at a cross-country running event.

The children all came away with medals and a trophy for their fantastic efforts.  

Crucial Crew 

Year 6 children have visited Crucial Crew as part of PSHE to learn important life skills.

Crucial Crew is aimed to raise awareness of safety issues and enables children to have a hands on experience in different scenarios. They identify risks that have been set up in a scenario and learn how to make their homes safer and what to do if an emergency arises.

Y5/6 Robotics

Children in year 5 and 6 have been working with the AMRC  to develop their STEM skills by working with robotics.

The children have had an amazing time learning to code the Marty robots and become robotics engineers. 

Boom Readers

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to Boom Readers.

We are challenging children to read 3 times a week.  Children who complete this challenge will go into a prize draw for a £5 voucher.  This will start from the week commencing 25th September.

Diary Dates 

Friday 29th September - MacMillan Coffee Afternoon

w/c 2nd October - Y6 Bikeabaility

Tuesday 3rd October - Inset Day and Parent Consultations

Tuesday 10th October - EYFS Open Afternoon

Friday 13th October - Y5/6 Trip to Eden Camp

Friday 20th October - Wear Red to Show Racism the Red Card 2023

Friday 20th October - Break Up for Half Term

Monday 30th October - Return to School

Monday 30th October - Halloween Disco

Friday 3rd November - Individual School Photos

w/c 6th November - Remembrance Week

Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day

Thursday 16th November - FOW Bingo

Friday 17th November - Children In Need

Thursday 30th November - Paint A Pot

Wednesday 6th December - RB1 Christmas Toy Appeal Collection

Friday 8th December - Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 8th December - Christmas Shop

Tuesday 12th December - EYFS Christmas Production PM

Thursday 14th December - KS2 Christmas Production PM

Friday 15th December - Winter Fayre

Monday 18th December - KS1 12 Days of Christmas PM

Tuesday 19th December - KS1 12 Days of Christmas AM

Tuesday 19th December - Christmas Disco

Friday 22nd December - School Closes at 12:30pm

Monday 8th January - Return to School